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[Anti's P.O.V]

     She really is a beauty. I'm surprised that the Ol' Wacky Wilford managed to swoop her up. And she's all his. For now. I can so easily whip her up with my smooth and IRRESISTIBLE charm. As all this goes through my head I see her as I'm walking though the corridor. Perfect.

     "Why, hello there," I say as I slide in front of her. "You really are a beauty. I was thinking maybe you can be my beauty," I say as she looks hesitant to speak. She looks around before saying  "I'm not really allowed to talk to you without permission. Its a rule or some shit that Wilford pulled out his ass. Sorry," she says as she speed walks away as if nothing happened.

Wilford and his fooking rules.

[(Y/N) P.O.V]

     After I walked away from Anti, I'm relieved that he didn't follow me. As shitty as the rules are, they can really save you from an unwanted conversation. I'm walking down the corridor and I see a door that's been left cracked open. I stop at the door and peak in and immediately I'm staring. It was Dark sitting at a desk doing something. Good thing his back was turned so he couldn't see me staring. "Well if you're going to stare you might as well come in," he plainly says without even looking at me. Shit. I try to stay as quiet as possible and sneak away. "I can sense your presence just come in," he says. Welp that's an offer I'm not passing up. 

     I walk in and begin to apologize but he cuts me off by raising his hand. I sit in a chair I saw across the room and began thinking of conversation starters. But the whole time I'm trying to think, I'm too distracted by him. He's so attractive that its unbelievable. The silence stretches and grows awkward. Well until Wilford calls my name. I sadly have to go and quietly say bye to Dark. He's such a mystery. So quiet and mysterious. And I'm curious to find out about him.

     "Ah, there you are," Wliford says while examining me. "What were you up to," he asks raising an eyebrow and lifting my chin. "Nothing. Just looking around," I simply say. "You haven't been... talking to anyone. Have you," he interrogates while circling me. "No Wil- I mean no, Sir," I quickly correct myself. He suspiciously looks at me before saying, "Well if you must lie, do a better job at it. I told you not to speak to anyone unless I give you permission. I give rules, you follow them. Understood?" Wilford says. "Yes Master," I say while rolling my eyes.

{Wilford's P.O.V}

     I can smell Dark on her. She's been around him and I don't know what they did but I'm not going to let Dark steal another one from me. I mean Anti tries and failed, but Dark, Dark doesn't try and some how succeeds. It's annoying honestly so I must let (Y/N) know who she belongs to. "Follow me," I say as I grab her arm and walk towards "our" room. Once we're there I tell her to sit on the bed. "This is going to hurt, but its going to be worth it. Just give me your wrist and stay still," I tell her. She hesitantly obeys considering that she doesn't really have a choice.

     I grab her wrist and  and hot pink smoke surrounds it. For a moment she winces and yelps in pain. This goes on for what felt like a minute until I let go of her wrist and she holds it in pain. "What did you do," she painfully asks while clinching her fists. "Oh not much. Just branded you, that's all," I say and her eyes widen. In disbelief, she looks down at her wrist before looking at me. My name was nicely written in cursive in black ink on her wrist. "Oh calm down its not permanent, but no one can remove it except for me," I say before leaving the room. Now everyone knows she's mine. All mine.


Heylo! I know I know this is boring but trust me in the end all of this will be interesting to look back on. When things begin to heat up you're going to put two and two together and be like oh damn. But at the same time I suck at this so don't get your hopes up. Thanks for reading and I will see all of you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

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