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!!Disclaimer!!: There is no smut or even lemon in this chapter so chill fam chill

[(Y/N) P.O.V]

     "What did you do," I ask in pain while clutching my wrist. "Oh not much. Just branded you, that's all," Wilford states. In disbelief I look down at my wrist and in, I must admit, wonderful cursive print is the name Wilford in black ink across my wrist. I look up at him in shock. "Oh calm down its not permanent, but no one can remove it except for me," He says and just exits the room as if its absolutely No Big Deal. Like what the fuck man. The rest of the day is full of me wandering the halls and admiring the new tattoo. I know I probably shouldn't like it, but it looks really nice.

     When night comes around I decide to change. To avoid getting walked in on, I decide to change in the bathroom. When I'm done I walk out the bathroom and immediately freeze. I see Wilford changing his shirt and call me crazy, but I think he's more muscular than Dark. I almost drop my clothes on the floor. I put them in the laundry basket and try to hide the blush on my face as I walk over to the bed. Jesus I never realized how sexy Wilford really is. Like gawdamn! "Like what you see," he asks while smirking. "Uh I uhm the uh what," I struggle to speak. "I'll take that as a yes," he chuckles.

     "Well I do too," he says as he looks me up and down. I'm wearing shorts and a tank top that might as well be a crop top. "I uh... Thanks," I say as I blush. I'm about to sit down, but before I can, Wilford snakes his arm around my waist and he pulls me close to him. He holds me and looks me in my eyes with my hands on his chest. I've always thought that his eyes were mesmerizing, but right here at this moment, they're even more amazing and mesmerizing. I let out a puff of air before he presses his lips into mine. I fall into a frenzy of lust. After what felt like a year of amazing passion, our lips parted and I gasped for air as he smirked down at me. Its like I'm under some spell. Every negative emotion I ever had towards him is out the window.

     At this moment he wasn't the life threatening, intimidating man he usually seems to be. At this moment I felt emotion for him. I now feel like I need him. I want him. It was confusing but was soon amazing. I wanted more. I needed more. Before I can receive what I want, he releases me and I flop onto the bed. He then does the unbelievable. He straight up walks out of the room. What the fuck.


     Heylo! I know I'm sorry I'll leave soon. There's not much to say but kachow! Oh and thank you for reading and I'll see all of you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

I Can Make You Go Insane- Wilford x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now