The Explanations

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[Note: L-Light G-Google Y-You. Sorry if you're name starts with a G mine does too so I understand and I don't want you guys to be confused. If you guys ever want me to just put the names, comment and I will gladly do so.]
L- So let's go back and tell you who Wilford really is and how we know him. There was a man named Mark. He was known as Markipier by millions of people on the internet. His fandom made up these alter egos that ended up being brought into existence. The two of us, along with Wilford and Dark and many many more, are the alter egos. Anti, which I assume you've met, is an alter ego for a man named Sean that went by Jacksepticeye.
Y- Sorry to interrupt, but I've never heard of these two men.
G- No one in your time has. These men died over a century ago and the memories of them have been swiped out of the minds of everyone that ever knew them. Not even a trace on the internet. Now you might be wondering why we're still alive. Well the internet gave us enough relevancy and power to become our own living beings. Although we are not human, we can still be seen and touched, but only by certain people. Only chosen people.
Y- Chosen people?
L- Yes. Chosen people. You were chosen by Wilford, which allowed you to see and feel all of the remaining alter egos along with Anti. There are still others alive, but most of them are on Wilford's side. Sadly. The bad side. Moving on with the story.
G- We've been trying to defeat Wilford for along as we've been alive. He's always plotted to take over the world one step at a time. We've had multiple battles, but there was on that changed it all. He managed to defeat us, kill some of the others, and locked us away in a room. The chains we were attached to were a special kind that prevent us from using our powers. After months of little too eat, Light fell unconscious. Wilford placed us on separate sides of the room so we couldn't help each other. He told me that he was planning on bringing a human home, preferably a female. He didn't want me yelling to cause attention, so he took my voice using a trick Dark taught him and put it in a jar. I was able to see where he put it and I made sure I never forgot. One day I coughed and a few puffs of blue smoke came out so I came to the conclusion that I still had some magic left. I used my magic to send you signals everyday to draw you close to the room. I managed to pick up your name a few times and that helped send out the signals. Well one day it worked and now we're sitting here.
Y- So let me get this straight. Correct me if I'm wrong. Wilford captured you and stole your voice and magic, I've been getting attracted to that door by you. Wilford is probably out plotting to take over the world, dark is on Wilford's side and you guys are expecting me to help take him down?
L- Correction. Dark isn't on Wilford's side and said that he is only willing to help if we desperately need it. He said that he rather take Wilford down alone than to help us do it. And yes we are asking you to help us take him down. He has probably returned home at this point and is going on a rage looking for you, so the sooner the better.
G- There's a plan. We've learned good and well to have a plan when going against that bastard. Our plan is to follow these specific steps in this specific order. Step 1: Call a meeting for everyone on our side. Step 2: We must train for battle. Step 3: Call Wilford and his army to battle. But there's a twist. Forgive me. We want you to lead our side through battle. Seeing you as a leader will lure Wilford in so it will be easier to get this thing started.
     You stare at them taking a few seconds to process this before agreeing. "Well I have nothing to lose, so sure. Let's do this," you say emotionlessly, but on the inside you don't want to fight Wilford. You're not scared, but its because for some twisted reason, you care for him. You don't want to hurt him, but they pursued you into thinking that this is for the best.
     Heylo! So things are starting to speed up and I hope this story isn't getting boring. The next chapters are going to be filled with the steps and they all lead up to the battle. Hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading and I will see all of you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

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