Where Is She?!

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{Wilford's P.O.V}

     (Y/N) has been alarmingly interested in that room. You'd think that after I've interrupted her so many times, maybe she'd lose interest, but nope. Everyday she would go towards that door. Everyday I would stop her. Today I had to go and do some... "business" and I left her at home alone. I put a spell on her so she wouldn't want to go to the room and I hope it worked. I've been getting a bad feeling. As if something wrong is happening. What if she opened the door, but the spell... what if... maybe it didn't work. SHIT!

     I immediately begin to rush home. It still takes me a while to get there, but once I do, I bust through the door. I call out for her. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) where are you? Answer me," I yell out while running through the halls. I'm met with silence and I grow angry. I take a couple of twists and turns before I get there, but I finally see the door. Its open. I rush over to the door and furiously step inside. I loom around as my anger grows inside me. She's gone. He's gone. I grow furious as my eyes turn a dark burgundy and hot pink smoke begins to surround me. I will get her back! I will get revenge!


     Heylo! So I added something to this point of view that wasn't in the others. It just helps build the suspense and helps put the story together. Are you confuzzled? If you are, don't worry it will be cleared in the next chapters. Thank you for reading. I will see all of you on the next chapters. Bye Bye!

I Can Make You Go Insane- Wilford x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now