The End?

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[Light's POV]
     We bust through the doors of Wilford's home. We can't hear or see anyone so we search the house. Google searches downstairs as I search up. I notice the balcony doors open so I rush outside. On the ground I see a small box and pink ash on the floor. "Google! Come hear I think we got something," I shout out. Google immediately busts through the door. He looks down at the box and we exchange a few worried looks. His attention then shifts to the ash. "That's teleportation residue! It gets left behind whenever an ego teleports," Google says. He runs his fingers thought the ash and a blue holographic screen appears in front of him. Charts and scans rush across the screen for what felt like a year. "I found him! I know where he is," Google shouts. He grabs my arm and we teleport in a cloud of Blue smoke. We arrive in front of a huge mansion. Without hesitation, we bust thought the front doors.
[(Y/N) POV]
     I'm snuggled on Wilford's chest as we sit in front of a screen watching some movies. We make eye contact and he reaches down to kiss me. Our lips are centimeters apart before we hear a loud crash. Wilford stands up quickly and I fall onto the couch. "What's that," I whisper. Instead of answering me, Wilford grabs a gun from under the couch cushion and grabs my wrist. We rush through a few halls and he throws me into a bedroom and tells me to stay there. Wilford rushed out the room and closes the door behind him. Within a matter of second I hear shouting and gun shots. At first I wonder if I should listen and stay put but then I worry if Wilford's out there getting hurt. I rush to my feet and look through some dressers for a knife or something. While I'm looking I hear Wilford shout out and I panic for his safety. I won't let anyone take him from me! I run out the room and sneak past a corner. I see Wilford being dragged by chains. He's being led to the backyard. Before I can think, I'm already running in that direction. I run through the door and everyone's attention shifts to me. Seeing Wilford chained up frustrates me on every level and I become angry. I rush over to Google and jump on his back. "What are you doing to Wilford," I yell.
[Light POV]
     We bust thought the doors of the house and hear silence. At first we lose hope, but then we hear rushed feet through the halls. We cautiously move throughout the house until we spot Wilford. He has a golden pistol and has it pointed at us. "Why the fuck are you here," Wilford shouts. "You know damn well why we're here. Give us (Y/N) and we'll leave," Google says. "You think I'm just going to give her up that easy? Think again," Wilford says as he fires his gun. I dodge the bullet and tackle him to the ground. Google uses a spell to put chains around his arms and legs. We drag him outside to a cobblestone platform where we're going to open the portal. We hear a door open and we all look and see (Y/N). Everyone stops and waits for her to react or respond. She runs up and jumps on Google's back. "What are you doing to Wilford," she yells out as Google tries to get her off his back. At that moment, Wilford's manages to break free from the chains and tackles me to the ground. We fight for a minute until we hear (Y/N) yell out in pain. Wilford looks over in anger and asks what happened to (Y/N). "She wouldn't stop squirming and she bit my ear so I had to do something," Google says while panting. Wilford sees the blood on his knuckles and charges toward Google.
{Wilford's POV}
     Once I break free from the chains, I rush over and tackle Light to the ground. We fight for a minute until I hear my beloved yell out in pain. I immediately look her way and see her unconscious. "What the FUCK did you do," I furiously ask. "She wouldn't stop squirming and she bit my ear so I had to do something," Google says. I rush over to him and pin him to the ground. I punch him a few times and point over to (Y/N). I turn my head and she's gone.
[Light's POV]
     I take this opportunity to lure Wilford to the portal. I grabbed (Y/N)'s unconscious body and carried her to the platform. Once Wilford notices that she's gone he rushes over to get her he runs up and before he can reach her I open the portal beneath his feet. He falls in but catches himself on the rim of the portal. He holds on and curses and yells out. (Y/N) begins to wake up and when she does she's confused. She begins to ask what's going on until she sees Wilford. She rushes to the portal and begins crying. "Wilford! Wilford no! What- what is this? Get him out," she shouts to us. Wilford reaches out and holds her hand. I then notice a ring on her finger. "Don't worry. No matter what, we will always be together," he sincerely says. With those words he pulls her hand and she falls in. He releases his grip on the rim and falls further in. We see a hand grab onto the rim and (Y/N) yells out for help. The crying and moaning of all of the souls in the portal drown out her smooth loving voice. I quickly try to get her out of the portal with magic. "I- I can't get you out. Your soul isn't pure enough," I sadly announce in shock. Why isn't her soul pure? What did Wilford do? The colors from inside the portal begin to cover her arms and hands. She slowly begins to disappear. "Goodbye Light and Google. I know you just wanted to help me," she says as a tear rolls down her cheek. She lifts her fingers and falls into the portal. It seals shut as Google tries to find a way to open the portal again. He's rubbing his hands around the rough floor frantically and loses hope after a minute of searching. She's gone. (Y/N) is really gone.
     Heylo! This concludes the book and I hope you somewhat enjoyed it. It was my first fanfic so it was as shitty as me sorry. Maybe the end isn't as close as you think (hint hint). Thank you for reading. I will see all of you in the next chap- oh.. Book! Bye Bye!

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