Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I couldn't bear to face Dan the next day, not after what he had done to Cody. I tried to time my arrival at the breakfast table so that I wouldn't have to deal with him, but when I showed up to eat some blueberry pancakes, he was there. Mom and Dad were still oblivious, but I could tell just from looking at him that Dan hadn't slept the night before. I took a large helping of blueberry pancakes, hoping that a delicious meal would help me forget what I had seen.

"Have you two heard about what happened to Cody Watson yet?" Mom asked. "It's all over the news."

I nodded and stuffed more pancakes into my mouth. Mom still didn't know that I was backstage during the incident. Dan remained silent as well.

"I heard that the police still haven't figured out who did it," Dad added. "They've talked to several of the students who were backstage at the time, but all of them only saw the aftermath."

"I'm sure they'll figure it out soon," Mom said. "I don't understand it though. Cody is such a sweet boy."

"Mom?" I asked. "I don't have anything going on today, right?"

"That's right," Mom said.

"Can I visit Cody?" I asked.

"Yes, but we should check to see what the visitor policies are first," Mom said. "Cody might not be allowed to have visitors yet."

Mom called Cody's parents to ensure that he was well enough to have visitors. She spoke with Mrs. Watson for a few minutes and then told me that she would drive me to the hospital so that we could both see Cody. "Dan?" Mom asked. "Would you like to come too?"

"No thanks," Dan said. "I have a lot of homework."

Given Dan's class skipping tendencies, I doubted that he had enough homework to justify staying home, but my mom didn't question his excuse. Both of us got into her car, and she drove to the hospital.

My mom found one of the nurses and asked her where Cody's room was. "It's just down the hall," she told us, and directed us towards Cody's room. I opened the door, and found Cody lying in bed. He was clearly in bad shape, but despite his injuries, Cody was still smiling.

"Hi Nora. Hi Mrs. Watson," Cody said. "It's good to see you two."

"It's good to see you too, Cody," I said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay for now," Cody said. "How did the musical go without me?"

"Horribly," I said. "I wish you were there playing Troy. Jonas can't sing at all."

"Don't say that," Cody said. "I'm sure Jonas did a great job."

"Were you listening to him during auditions?" I asked.

"Yes," Cody said. "I'm very confident with Jonas' musical theater abilities." I rolled my eyes, while Cody clutched his stomach. "I'm so hungry. Hospital food is terrible."

"I'll go get you something," Mom said. "What would you like?"

"Pizza would be nice. My parents already bought me a bagel for breakfast," Cody said. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Gallagher."

"No problem, Cody," Mom said. She left to buy Cody a slice of pizza, leaving Cody and I by ourselves.

Once my mom was out of earshot, I asked, "What exactly happened with you and Dan? I heard you talking about an Ink and someplace called Sidhe. What was that about?"

"It's kind of complicated," Cody said.

"You can tell me about it," I said.

"No, I really can't," Cody said.

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