Two Months Later

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*Jaz's pov*

The last two months have been amazing. I get to go home today!  They said I've made great progress so I'm extremely proud. Last night as a goodbye I performed some songs I wrote on my guitar. Now that I'm through here I get to see Justin again. Yay! Like sure, we spoke with each other on the phone but it's not the same as actually sitting there and talking face to face. Putting the last of my stuff in my suitcase, I whipped out my phone. It said I had one new message from Justin Bieber. It said, "hey kiddo! I'm waiting for you outside. Come when ur ready. Luv ya 💞💞💞" Awww my brother, such a sweetie.

*15 minutes later*

I just signed out. Dr. Sanchez was waiting for me by the doors. Pulling me in for a hug, she said with tears in her eyes, "Jaz you've come so far. We're going to miss you. Take care of yourself." "I will. Thank you for everything." She nodded, letting me go.

Outside Justin was leaning against his purple, yes, purple lambro. "Justin!" I called out. He looked up from his phone, a smile breaking out across his face. Once I got to the car he put my things in the trunk then gave me a hug. "I've missed you." he said, his voice just a croak. I looked at him in the eyes, seeing a few tears. "Aww. Justin are you crying?" I asked. He nodded, breaking the hug. "Yeah." he sniffled. I smiled, touched by the fact he missed me so much.

*1 hr later*

"WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!" everyone on the team yelled as Justin and I walked in to Justin's house. I laughed and cried at the same time, I was so touched. "Alright, who planned this?" I looked over everyone's face. No one was saying a word. "That's okay," I said, "I know it was Justin. Man, bro you sure are easy to figure out." We all laughed. Hey! Laughter's contagious. "You got me sis," Justin said, "We wanted to welcome you back to the tour the right way. Team Bieber style."

*The next day*

*Justin's pov*

I've missed Jaz so much. Last night was a lot of fun. My sister looked happy for the first time in a long time. The light in her eyes was back, her smile lit up the room, but best of all, not one sign of sadness or desperation in her expression. I could go on but really, do you want me to write a frigging book?  Haha, I'm kidding.  I am the king of pranks after all. Last night she said, "I wasn't broken, just bent." I'm so proud of and happy for my little sister.


"So guys,"Jaz began, "I would just like to say that it's great to be back. I was having such a bad time and things were spiraling out of control. The worst part of it was that I didn't really understand it myself. However, rehab did me a world of good. I'm happy, optimistic and ready for the road ahead. By no means will it be smooth but that's what family is for. And what are we? Let me tell you. FAMILY. Yeah, family. One more thing, my rehab wouldn't have been possible without Justin so please, let's hear it for the Biebs!" Everyone cheered for me. I was in shock. I made that big a difference in someone's life?

I spoke up. "Guys, guys! Let me say something. Jaz, I was in that place once. It was not fun. It was hell. When I saw you that way it hurt. I never knew that hate did you that bad. So when you decided to get help I couldn't help but feel relieved. You are so precious to me and everyone here, it's crazy. At the same time though I was going to miss you so much. I literally stalled the tour for 4 months because knowing you were hurting made me feel so sad that I couldn't function. I love you sweetheart." By now I had tears falling down my face. Jaz stood up and hugged me, rubbing my back. "It's okay," she whispered, "You don't have to keep giving us the brave face. You gave me a shoulder to cry on. Now it's my turn. Let it come. Holding sobs back just hurts you worse."

So I cried and cried until there were no more tears. Seconds later I was coughing. Scooter handed me some water. I accepted it gratefully. Drinking slowly, I closed my eyes. The water felt good on my throat, parched would be an understatement. People kept trying to ask what was wrong but Jaz kept motioning for them to give me some room. Pretty soon I was falling asleep on Jaz's shoulder.

a/n 811 words! My longest chapter yet! Feedback is greatly appreciated 💞💞💞

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