Reconciling With Family

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*still Justin's pov*

As we drove to that hotel I couldn't help but wonder, is Jazmyn worse now than when she went to rehab? I sure as hell hope not but if that's the case I will not stand by and let her think she is alone in all of this. She doesn't deserve any of this. Well, all we can do at this point is find her and let her know she has a support system. Us. Her family. We care and love her so much and I hope she knows that. We'll see I guess.

*Jaz's pov*

I just checked into a hotel, taking the penthouse. Setting my things down, I took a look around. A kitchenette, a few bedrooms and bathrooms, and a living room with a television. Well, at least I'll be comfortable, I thought. Once I was settled I decided to take a shower. As the hot water cascaded down on my body my tense muscles relaxed. I let my thoughts wander. Will anybody miss me? Is my family looking for me? Do they even care I'm suffering from mental illness? So many thoughts shot through my head. 

Exiting the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel, proceeding to dry off. As I just finish getting dressed the phone rang. I answered it with, "Hello?" "Good evening Ms. Bieber. I understand you wanted to keep this quiet but your family is on their way up and we couldn't stop them..." She trailed off. I replied, "Don't worry. I'll handle this." At that I hung up. A few seconds later there was a knock on my door. "Jazmyn please open the door. We just want to talk." It was Justin.

I sighed and answered, "Fine." Opening the door, I stepped aside to let them in. "Thank God you're okay." he said, wrapping me up in a hug just like he did when I was little. "But I'm not okay. I'm tired and it isn't a tiredness sleep can cure. It's a tiredness of existing, it is a tiredness of feeling broken, it is the exhausting need of somebody to hold me and tell me that I'm not alone." I paused for a breath. 

I continued, "I can't go to bed without thinking I'm a failing to this family." After my little rant Jaxon came and joined the hug. Finally he spoke. "Jazmyn Rose Bieber you are not a failing to this family. You are loved, you are wanted but most of all you are not alone. Truth is, you are needed. Needed by us. Who's gonna yell at me for being stupid? Who'll tell me to clean up my part of the bathroom? Who'll answer the phone when Justin calls and none of us are home save for you? We need you Jaz." Tears streamed down my cheeks as Jaxon spoke. I'm needed? People care? Wow. 

 Speaking at a whisper, I said, "I'll come home. Truth is, I need you. All of you." Cheers resounded throughout the apartment causing me to chuckle. After gathering my things I checked out and said, "C'mon crazies."  

*at home*

When we got home I put my things away. I sat on my bed once I was done. I was deep in thought, eventually just zoning out. Soon I fell sleep.

*Justin's pov* 

I went to check on Jaz since she hasn't come downstairs yet. Going into her room, I see she fell asleep. I smiled softly, tucking her in and shutting out the light. Back downstairs Dad asked, "How is she?" I ran a hand over my face, replying, "She's asleep. Emotional strain can really wipe out a person. I'd know." Everyone sighed but I hurried to reassure them by saying, "Right now sleep is gonna be her best friend. I'll check on her in the morning." Satisfied with my answer, we all watched some TV, eventually going to bed ourselves.     

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