Chapter 1 - Andy's POV

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Andy's POV

What? Where am I? Fuck, it's 8:30. I have to be in the studio at 9:00. What the hell? Who is this next to me?

"Mmmm" moaned the girl next to me. She had brown hair. Looked like a light brown. The cute kind.

"Uh, hello?" I quietly said as I poked her. She turned around. Oh hell no. "TAYLOR?!" Our eyes widened as they met. She yelled out, "ANDY?!"

Taylor, or Tay, is my best friend and has been my best friend since the fifth grade. She's in a band. We Are The In Crowd. So, I don't even need to explain as to why this is not good. Did I seriously just sleep with my best friend?

"What happened last night? Did we-?" I cut her off before she could say it, "NO! God no, absolutely not!" I quickly answered. "Then why are we-?" She continued with questions and I continued cutting her off, "I don't know!" I frustratedly answered. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Silence. To make it even more awkward, fucking silence. I grabbed my phone to check if I had any missed calls or texts from CC or Ashley or anyone in that matter.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Said Taylor, quite angry.

"What?" I kept checking my texts.

"We hooked up last night and you're just checking your phone?! Oh, I totally understand! Yeah, no biggie! I just slept with my best friend and I don't even know if I used protection! Or for that matter, I don't even know what I did last night! So yeah, check your damn text messages, have a smoke while you're at it, too!" Concluded Tay. I think she's mad.

I mean, yeah, I'm worried. But what can I do about it, you know? Tay is not a bad looking person. I'm fact, she actually looked pretty hot in just the sheets. She proceeded to put on one of my shirts and her pajama shorts.

"Tay, listen. Yes, of course I'm worried, but what do you want to do about it? Okay, yes, we might have of slept together-" and she cut me off. I taught her well.

"MIGHT?! You're sitting there naked and so was I and you said we MIGHT have of slept together? Oh yeah, totally! In fact I don't even think we slept together. I think we just played hide-n-go-seek naked, I'm the dark!" Gosh, I love her sarcasm.

"I- okay.. Well, what do you want me to say?!" I asked furiously.

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