Chapter 11 - Jack's POV

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"Wha... What do you want?" I slurred as I turned around to see Alex standing there with Sydney. Sydney stepped up and slapped me. "What the fuck?!" I screamed at her while leaping towards her. Alex held me back.

"Don't talk to Sydney like that dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Don't talk like that to Jocelyn either! She's your fucking wife. I heard you and Jocelyn fighting and Jocelyn sounded hurt. I just wanted to see if you guys were alright?" Alex said pushing his way out of mine. Searching for what I thought to be Jocelyn.

"And wh.. Why do you care?" I asked plopping against the ally wall. I took another sip of my beer. My last sip. I was out.

"Because you've never gotten so aggressive towards anyone. I heard you slam the wall, I heard how you two were yelling." Alex said and pulled me off of the wall.

"Dude get off me." I sternly said and Alex's nostrils flared and he grabbed my shirt tightly.

"Don't ever talk to Jocelyn like that again. I don't care if your drunk or not. Jocelyn has been there for you since what? Middle school? And this is how you treat your girlfriend, now wife of five years? Like she's shit?" Alex said and I managed to get him off of me.

"Yeah," started Sydney. "She's my fucking sister! Every time you two fought as friends, or even just as a boyfriend/girlfriend couple, she never ONCE thought about herself, it was always 'is Jack okay? Why is jack sad?' I swear, if you fucking treat her like that one more time, I'll make sure you never speak to another girl ever again.. Or anyone. Do I make myself clear?" She stopped. Alex looked at her with an impressed look.

It was all started to become clear to me. I was treating her like shit. The girl I've loved for five years, is being treated like shit. By me.

"Shit... I... I need to apologize to her." I said and Alex backed away from me, so did Sydney.

"You're damn right you do." Alex said and walked out of the ally and towards his car with Sydney. I rushed to the car to head home. I tired calling her several times. No answer. Everytime she didn't answer, my heart dropped. I did this. I caused her to cry. I caused her pain.

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