Chapter 16 - Jocelyn's POV

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"Doctor, is she going to be okay?" I heard a familiar voice. Sounded kind of like Jack. Doctor? What? Why are we at the doctors?

"It's hard to say Mr. Barakat. She did take that hit pretty hard. She might be unconscious for a while. She has a concussion, that's for sure. But we have her on some antibiotics, she should be up and walking tomorrow evening. Hopefully." I heard a doctor say. Hold up. I was hit? What? Wait, by who? By what? I opened my eyes to a bright light. I saw someone with skunk colored hair stand over me.

"Jocelyn?!" It was Jack. He started crying as he kissed my forehead. "Baby! I'm so so sorry!" He kept kissing me.

"Jack! Ouch!" I said as I grabbed the side of my face. He backed away.

"Sorry! Oh, I'm so sorry. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for me. I was such a jerk." He said as he cried even more.

"Jack, what happened?" I was so fucking confused. "Where am I?"

Jack stopped crying and he just stood there. "What do you mean? You're at the hospital. You ran away from me after we fought and I was a douche. Some fucking pricks hurt my precious princess. You knocked out. Vic found you in front of his house unconscious." I stood there on the hospital bed. Still so confused. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked me as he stroked my hair. I jumped. He looked confused as to why I jumped.

"Well, I remember running and seeing black. It was dark. Then I woke up to see my dad and Sydney. I was in my old house. My dad was drinking again. It was one of his bad weeks. He started yelling at Sydney, and I hid in the basement. I heard footsteps and he just started hitting me." I started to cry. Hard. "Then-then, after he was don't hitting me, he stroked my hair and touched me. I-I I don't wanna say the rest.." I stood there with Jack. Jack looked horrified and surprised. I cried in silence. "Jocelyn, did he really do that?" He asked as his voice shook. I nodded.

"Yes." I said with a blank stare and tears rolling down my face. He hugged me and I cried into his shoulder. I heard a knock on the door. Jack got up. He kissed my cheek.

"I got it." He said, walking to the door. He opened it, I saw Sydney in tears and Taylor walking in. Sydney ran to me.

"Jocelyn!! Oh, are you okay?!" She said as she struggled through her tears.

"I guess." I said as I wiped my tears away. Jack looked at me with eyes of hurt. Was he mad at me? "Guys, can I get a moment with Jack?" I said. Sydney let me go and walked out with Taylor. Jack came up to me.

"Yes, love?" He said as he started to cry again.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked. He kneeled beside me.

"Oh, babe! No, why would you think that? Yes, I'm mad. Not at you. Your father." He concluded.

"Baby, it's the past. It's fi-"

"No! It's not fine. What he did was not fine!" He said as his tears fell onto my arm.

"I- I'm just sorry I didn't tell you." I said as my tears fell onto his hair. "Don't you far apologize. This isn't your fault." He kissed my forehead. "Go to sleep babe, I'll be here when you wake up." After that, I knocked out.

Around 5:00 a.m. I woke up. I saw Taylor in the chair by the bed pacing back and forth saying, "I can't eat. I can't eat." I knew about her eating disorder. Taylor and I use to be best friends in middle school. Until she met my sister in high school and we just separated. We're still good friends though. "Nothing tastes good as skinny feels" I heard her say. "I can't eat."

"You say 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' but I say nothing feels as good as eating dinner with your family on a Saturday night. Laughing and talking and chewing. Feeling free. Nothing feels as good as baking cookies with your little siblings. Stealing bites of dough and chocolate chips and eating them fresh out of the oven. Nothing feels as good as curling up on the couch on a rainy day with a steaming hot mug of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows because you chose to be healthy. To get better. To see color again. Because the little things make it worth the struggle. So, go on. Take your bones. Your skinny. Your hunger. I'll take life any day over all of that." I stood there as she looked at me with a blank stare.

"Hey, I got you a cupcake and some juice" I heard as I saw Andy come in. She was still looking at me as Andy turned to look at me. "Hey, Jocelyn! How ya feeling?" He asked.

"Fine. A lot better." I replied with a smile. I turned back to Taylor as she smiled at me and mouthed, "thank you" I smirked back and mouthed, "don't mention it"

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