Chapter 18 - Jack's POV

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I'm not sad. I'm not happy either. I'm furious. I've met Jocelyn's father before, and he didn't seem like the type to even harm a fly. Every time Jocelyn and I went over to have dinner with her father, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Jocelyn did seem quiet, but isn't that what social anxiety is like? And at our wedding, when he was walking Jocelyn down the isle, I guess she did seem quite uncomfortable when hes was walking her down. I walked into the hospital room and saw Jocelyn laying there. Her eyes met mine and she was smiling.

"Hey baby, how ya holding up?" I asked her. She motioned me to go over next to her. I walked and leaned over her.

"I'm doing better, I just miss cuddles." she said as she faintly smiled. I smiled at her and stroked her hair. She scooted over and made room for me to cuddle with her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my neck in her shoulder. She let out a relieving sigh.

"So, I talked to the doctor, you'll be out of here by tomorrow and we can cuddle all day!" I said with excitment in my voice. She snored a bit. Haha, my love fell asleep. My phone rang, I slowly let go of Jocelyn and headed out into the hallway, it was her dad. I answered, "So you finally decide to call me back?" I say with a stern voice.

"Jack? Is everything alright? You sound angry. Is Jocelyn alright?" he replied. I sensed some sarcasm in his voice. God, did I have so much anger in me.

"Shut the hell up, you bastard. You know exactly what I'm calling you about. Don't you dare act. You know what you did to Jocelyn. You think that's okay, you sick bastard? You're a sick sick person," I paused as I saw a bunch of nurses rush into Jocelyn's room. I slowly took my phone away from my ear and heard faint 'Jack?' 'Hello?' from it. I dropped my phone and quickly rushed into her room. I heard a bunch of doctors and nurses yell out a bunch of things I couldn't make out.

"Sir, please leave the room. Your wife has a lacking amount of oxygen in her brain, we're trying to get her heart rate back up. Please wait outside." said one nurse. I stood there and backed away from the room and the door was shut in my face. I saw Andy, Taylor, Alex, and Sydney in the waiting room. I walked over to them with a blank look on my face. I sat down and started crying. Sydney came up to me.

"Jack what's wrong?! How is she?" she asked paranoid. I looked up to her.

"They're trying to get her heart rate back up, lack of oxygen..." everyone stood in silence with blank looks along with mine. "Listen, don't be like me. Please. A couple of minutes ago could be one of the last moments I spoke to her. So, please please please..." I tried to spit out my words while crying. "Be happy and apologize when you can. Don't take your lover for granted... please! Life is way too short." I cried into Sydney's arms as she sobbed. Everyone in the room started sobbing and hugging one another. Then, a nurse came along and called me.

"Mr. Barakat? Jocelyn's heart is working great now, she just had a panic attack. Some sort of bad dream, or scare could of triggered it. Although, I think it's best if she didn't have any visitors for now. She really need to rest." concluded the nurse. I have never felt more of a relief in my life. I wiped my tears and got up.

"I'm not leaving, I'll stay here all night if I have to. Will she still be able to go back home tomorrow?" I asked. Everyone else left.

"Yes, and if you stay here, you cannot enter the room." said the nurse.

"I don't care. I'm not leaving here." I uttered. The nurse smiled at me. I'm not sure why. But I wasn't about to leave my wife here, in the hospital alone. I almost lost her. I'm not about to leave her.

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