Chapter 17 - ANDY'S POV

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I walked into the room with a cupcake in one hand and a bottle of juice in another. All I see is Taylor and Jocelyn exchanging smiles. I'm not even gonna ask.

"Where's Jack?" Asked Jocelyn. She looked so pale. I'm talking like Edward Cullen pale. Her eyes were bloodshot as if she hadn't slept for days. I mean, she didn't look scary. when you spell a word so wrong that spell check is like i dont know what to tell u manJust not very alive. She was always really jumpy and had a lot of energy, but now it's as if someone just sucked the life right out of her. Yeah, I suppose it was only a punch but I felt like there was something more to this. By 'this' I mean the whole accident. Like something else was wrong. Whatever, I guess. I had Taylor to talk to about her cuts.

"He's in the cafeteria. I passed him by, he said he was getting you some skittles or something." I replied as I handed Taylor the cupcake and juice. She seemed to like it. I'm assuming she did after scarfing it down. Dang, I guess the baby was hungry too. Either that, or she's been starving herself again. She doesn't know that I know about it but she doesn't remember that she told me. I guess she thinks I forgot.

"Hey, thanks guys. You can go home now if you want, I'm pretty sure you guys are drained." Said Jack as he walked into the room. I got up and took Taylor's hand. She followed me out.

"Alright, if you need anything let us know, bro." I said as I gave Jack one of those "bro hugs". That was when I realized he was wearing his BONER shirt. Oh, Jack. Him and I were never really close. We were always just kind of there, ya know?

"Alright, thanks man. Take care." He said as we left the hospital. Taylor and I walked to the elevator and out of the hospital not saying one word to each other. She knew what I wanted to tell her. As we got into my car, I stood there for a good 5 minutes. No talking. No yelling. No words. Just silence. "Tay, I-" I started.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting out earlier. I'm sorry for yelling. After, I went to Sydney's house. We talked. I'm going to stop. She's going to help me. And the eating disorder? Jocelyn talked to me about that. Sort of. It was a wake up call for sure. I- I'm going to stop. For you. For me. For us. For our baby. I just. I love you and I don't want to lose you." Taylor started letting tears down. One at a time. I looked at her as she just looked down.

"I love you Taylor. Thank you. I'll help you through this if you want me too. You're my beautiful fiancée. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want this more than anything. I want us. I want you. I want our family. My family, your family. Just all of us." I reached for Taylor's stomach. I knew our baby was going to be okay. We were going to be okay.

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