Chapter 2 - Tay's POV

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I stared at Andy with a 'are-you-kidding-me-face'. Okay, I didn't know what I wanted him to say, I just wanted him to say something. Like, seriously.

"Tay, come here." he signaled me to sit on the bed. I have to admit, I wouldn't mind if we did sleep together. 

"What?" I looked at him with anxious eyes. He looked so hot. The thing is, I can't admit that. He's my best friend. I just... never mind. "Okay, what are you worried about? Talk to me.

"Andy!?" I looked at him furiously again.

"Okay, I get it. Tay, even if we did-" I looked at him with that 'are-you-kidding-me' face again. "Okay, we did. So what? It happened. we can't do anything about it! You know I'm clean and have no... like, STD. And I know that you don't either." he had a point, but what about... pregnancy? He could tell by the look in my eyes that was what I was worried about. I tried so hard to hold back my tears. He hold me.

"Tay, don't worry. We don't even know if you are. If you are, we'll get through this." he said. It didn't calm me down. I'm scared of what Juliet might say.

Juliet is Andy's girlfriend. Juliet Simms. For a second, I think Andy forgot about her because he didn't freak out until after he said that we'd 'get through this'.

Andy reacted and murmured under his breath, "Juliet..." He let go of me as he quickly put on his pants. "Tay, I-I uh... I gotta go. I'll text you later." he said as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. He added an 'I love you' as he exited my front door. I looked out the window. I had band practice at 2:00 pm. As I stared out the window, practically drowning in tears, I looked at the autumn leaves falling off of the trees. Green. Red. Yellow.


My phone rang. It was Sydney. Sydney is my best friend. She's seriously the one I can go to for anything. Yeah, Andy is my guy best friend and my everything, but Sydney is my girl best friend, my other half, in a way.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone.

"Taylor? What's wrong?" I didn't want to talk about it, so I said the usual.

"Nothing.. What's up?" It was useless saying that nothing was wrong because... well, it's Sydney. She knows me like the back of her hand.

"Taylor Jardine, tell me what is going on and tell me now!" I hold the phone in tears. I have to tell her.

"Andy and I had sex." after I said it, I heard the band come in throught downstairs. I forgot I gave Jordan a spare key. "Uh.. Sydney? I got to go, 4/5 of We Are The In Crowd is here." I concluded as I got ready to hang up.

"WAIT! Movies at your place? 8?" I had to talk to her, so I said yes and hung up. I realized I had only Andy's shirt on and my pajama pants so I quickly changed into my skinny jeans and Jagk shirt that Jack, from All Time Low, gave to me.

First of all, let me just introduce you to everyone. I really should've done this in the beginning. I am Taylor Jardine, lead singer of We Are The In Crowd. Jordan Eckes, vocals and guitar of WATIC. He's like my second mother, haha. He's a great comforter. Mike Ferri, drums and guitar or WATIC, close friend. Rob Chianelli, like my second father! Which can be both a good thing an a bad thing, Cameron Hurley, drums and guitar, amazing advice giver. Now, onto All Time Low. Jack, he's Sydney's brother-in-law. Sydney's sister, Jocelyn is married to Jack. Jocelyn is super awesome! She's like a second Sydney to me! Her wedding was actually 2 weeks ago, Jack and her are still trying to find a place. Until then, they're staying in their parents house... yikes! Alex, lead singer of All Time Low. Rian, Guitar. Zack, Drums and keyboard. My best friend, my absolute best-est friend, Andy Biersack. He's been my best friend since the fifth grade. I've been there with him before Black Veil Brides became this huge revolutionary band. I can honestly say he's a part of me. In a non-creepy way. Anyways, I won't go too in depth.

"Taylor!" yelled Rob from downstairs. I opened my bedroom door to find the sound coming from the garage.

"Coming!" I said. I turned to my left and saw Jordan. "Ahh!" I yelled!

"Tell me." Jordan said.

"Oh great, not you too! Seriously, everyone wants to know! Like, nothing is wrong!" I yelled out at him, only to find that I sounded like a complete jerk after. Great

"Tay, I know something's wrong. You're usually in the garage or the band room getting prepped up. What's wrong? Is it Sydney?" I shook my head. "Is it Andy?" I stood still. "It's Andy."

"No, Jordan. It's just..." I stood there in silence with the tears returning to my face. Jordan hugged me. "Jordan, I slept with Andy... I didn't even know I did." Jordan looked puzzled with a sad look. "I mean, the night before. I think I was drunk because I don't remember anything. I honestly don't and I'm so scared. I'm scared I might be.." I stopped and started bawling ten times harder than before. 

"Aww, Tay.." he held me tighter. "Listen," he said holding my face towards his. "you're gonna be okay. You know how I know that? Because you're strong. If you are, it's for a reason." 

He's right, I can't believe I forgot my motto, 'Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly.' I'm worrying too much. That's the thing, I don't want to risk losing Andy as my best friend. I never want to even imagine it. Unfortunately, I did. Multiple times actually. It's sad that I feel the need to have Andy around to keep me sane. What's even worse is that I don't think I'd even know who I am if Andy were to leave. 

"C'mon, let's go practice sunshine!" he said as i giggled. Jordan once called the cashier at a McDonald we went to when we were on tour 'sunshine' and I literally cracked up! He thought it'd be funny to call me sunshine! Haha, our inside joke! 

"Hey guys," I entered the garage. They all greeted my with hand motions. Awesome. "I'm feeling like writing a song." I said.

"Any ideas?" asked Rob. 

"Let's write it about a girl who hides her feelings about a guy and wants to know if he feels the same." I whispered under my breath. Apparently I was loud. All of the guys were staring at me.

"Let's do it!" yelled Jordan, trying to break the silence. God, I love that kid! 

"How about, 'I can't sleep in my bed anymore. My home says so little now.Everyone's gone in mine, and I paint myself in a corner.'? For like the first half of the verse?" I was actually surprised at how fast I got into it. Everyone looked at me surprised, I laughed, "Haha! What? I write all the time!" the guys thought of notes and I thought of Andy. 

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