Chapter 10 - Jocelyn's POV

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"Jack, just shut up and go away." I said to Jack as I exited the club. What am I doing at a club? See, it's Vic's (from Pierce the Veil) birthday and he invited a lot of people. All time low being one of them. Vic is a close friend of mine. We actually grew up on the same block. Funny, I didn't know that until we were 7! Anyways, Jack likes to drink. A lot. He's just.. Aggressive when he's had a lot to drink.

"Looks like someone can't take a joke." Jack slurred and slammed the club door behind him. I feel like he was going to do something. I mean, I know he'd never hit me, but I just. When I was younger, my dad.. He.. Never mind.

"A joke!? You think my fucking weight is a joke!?" You yelled. "For fucks sake you know that's my biggest insecurity!" He made fun of my weight in front of all of the guys. Of course, they laughed. Right when Jack said that there's was a security guard 'bigger than Jocelyn' I felt my eyes swell up and I pushed Jack aside.

I told Jack that it wasn't funny. He started yelling and that's when I was full on crying so I ran out though the back door. Now, we're here.

"Babe. Babe, calm down. It was ju-just a small joke." Jack said and let out a laugh. God, I hate when he laughs while drunk. It's like there's venom in every word he speaks. For fucks sake, they stung.

"You're so fucking pathetic." I spat out, fighting back more tears. I heard the door from the back entrance of the club open again. I saw from the corner of my eye that it was Alex and Sydney. I ignored it.

"Oh I'm the pathetic one!?" Jack was now yelling and stammering his way towards me. Fuck, I couldn't help but flinch. "I'm fucking pathetic!?" I was now covering my face as he hovered over me. Was he going to hit me? Was he seriously going to hit me?

"Yes you are! You're a pathetic drunk!" I yelled in his face. Even though I was scared, I had to let him know and give him a wake up call.

"Oh I'm definitely a... a pathetic dru..drunk!" Jack sarcastically yelled and I smelled the rum and booze. I heard Sydney in the distance, I ignored it too.

"At least I... I don't have a problem with m... My weight!" He added and slammed his hands against the ally wall.

Please don't hit me. Please don't hit me. That was all I could think as I cringed in fear. Jack was strong. I just didn't want to find out HOW strong he was.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled with my voice cracking and I pushed Jack away from me. I ran as fast as I could, full I'm tears. I couldn't see. Anything.

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