Cafe Siblings

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Sanji headed inside the cafe with Reiju behind him. They flicked on the lights as Sanji went into the back room. Reiju checked her phone as she began to turn on the machines. She noticed a text from Perona. She quickly opened it.
'Out of everyone, you should be the one to tell him. Then plan, get our brothers together will commence.'
Reiju sighed putting her phone in her pocket. Sanji stepped out with trays of food and put them on display turning on the food warmer. Sanji shut the door putting on his apron Reiju put her phone away as the bell chimed. Gin walked through with a flower. Sanji stepped out behind the counter approching Gin.

"I'm so so sorry about last night. I just don't like that guy that came over last night." Gin said.

"You never said how you and Zoro met." Sanji said.

"Just an unpaid parking ticket- it's nothing to worry about love. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Remember that. I'm just protecting you."

Sanji sighed before they embraced. Reiju glared at Gin from the counter. Her lips pressed in a line crossing her arms. Gin pulled back and smiled kissing him softly before handing off the flower to Sanji.

"I will see you later. I'll come and pick you up after work." Gin said.

Sanji nodded before Gin left. He headed behind the counter with the soft pink flower. Putting it in a small cup by the window before clapping his hands together. The bell chimed once more earning the siblings attention. Zoro stepped inside having Sanji grin going to the counter.

"Zoro, what are you doing here?" Sanji asked.

"I was picking up Perona's drink for her." Zoro said.

Reiju smirked, "Oh and what drink is that?"

He shrugged, "She said you guys would know."

She chuckled, "Sure she did."

Then headed to make the drink, Sanji and Zoro leaned over the counter. Shamelessly flirting with each other. With soft batting of each other's hands or longing looks in each others eyes. Sanji would occasionally brush his bangs letting the other eye peek out for a moment before hiding behind his blonde curtain.

"Where are you going out dressed like that?" Sanji asked.

Zoro was in some shorts, tank top and sneakers, along with a backpack on his back.

"Oh, just the gym. I go every other day." Zoro said.

"Can I feel?" Sanji asked.

Zoro flexed having Sanji reach out and touch the strong muscle. Sanji hummed pulling away as Reiju placed the drink down on the counter. The bell chimed once more.


He snapped to Perona walking into the cafe.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Didn't you ask Zoro to come and get it for you?" Reiju asked.

Zoro's lips pressed in a line before he left the cafe. A large grin grew on Perona's lips before she turned back to the siblings.

"That guy probably came just to flirt with Sanji." She said.

She placed her cash on the counter before sitting at the booth. Reiju giggled as Sanji rested on his palm still leaning over the counter.

"You like him don't you?" Reiju asked.

"What's not to like. He's. Too good to be true." Sanji sighed.

"If he's all that, why don't you leave Gin?"

Sanji turned to her with surprise in his eyes. Then rested back in his palm biting his lip. Perona glanced to them from her sketch book before back to her sketch. Her fingers crossed Reiju could help her brother escape.

"I couldn't do that to him. I'd break his heart." Sanji said.

"Sanji, when was the last time you felt this way towards Gin. The way you feel towards Zoro. When has Gin taken the time out of his day just come in and shamelessly flirt with you. Has he even told you he loves you?"

He didn't respond but perked up as his phone viberated. Sanji pulled out his phone seeing it was a text message from Zoro. He smiled softly opening it.

'Did you buy tickets?'

Sanji cocked a brow, 'Tickets to what?'

After a moment his phone went off. He noticed it was a picture message. Sanji opened it as his eyes widened softly. Zoro was sitting in the gym flexing an arm without his shirt on and had beads of sweat on his body. Along with a small smirk.

'To the gun show.'

Sanji practally dropped his phone onto the counter. Reiju perked up as Sanji's face was bright red and his jaw was dropped. He snapped out of it when Reiju noticed the picture. And the text, 'Sorry.' Afterward.

"I think he likes you too." She said.

"I hope so."

"Oh he does trust me." Perona called.

She sucked down her pink tea smoothie. Sanji and Reiju chuckled. Sanji replied to Zoro.

'There's twenty letter's in the alphabet right?'

'Ha! No twenty six.'

'I must've forgotten u r a q t'

'Wow that was the dumbest pick up line I've ever read.'

'I'll get the D later.'

Then Zoro stopped responding. Sanji laughed silently to himself before putting his phone away. Reiju reached in her pocket slowly pulling out her phone.

"Sanji." Reiju said.

He turned to her with a soft smile, "Yeah?"

"If I had proof that Gin is, isn't what he seems. Would you leave him for Zoro?"

"What do you mean?"

She slowly pulled out her phone unlocking the screen and went to her messages. She played the police recording and skipped it to Gin's scene. Reiju took a breath as she looked up to Sanji with a hurt and pain in her eyes. Perona perks up as Reiju slowly hands Sanji the phone. He takes it as she puts her hands on his.

"I'm sorry Sanji." She muttered.

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