But Your Boots

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A/N: I just got a new computer guys! So I'm really sorry for any spelling errors or anything. The keyboard is 2x as big as my little ipad one. It's so much better. 

As the morning broke through the curtains. Sanji fluttered open his eyes to the sun. Before grumbling and tossing over to Zoro. He curled up to his sleeping form. Kissing him softly earning a grumble and a lazy kiss back. Sanji chuckled softly climbing out of bed. He noticed Zoros work shirt on the floor, he smirked picking it up and buttoning it up before heading out to the kitchen. Where he started to brew up some coffee. Within that half an hour Zoro soon awoke to the smell of breakfast and coffee. He took a minute to wake up before finally getting up. Zoro headed into the kitchen and smirked to the dark blue button up hung loosely on Sanjis fame. He chuckled softly approaching him wrapping his arms around his hips. His lips peppered his neck as Sanji hummed putting his hand to Zoros cheek.

Good morning to you too. Sanji purred.

Mhmm. Zoro hummed.

Sanji turned to him as they kissed softly before pulling back.

Coffee is on the bar. Made just how you like it. Sanji said.

Id rather eat you.

Zoro ran his hand to Sanjis neck tilting his head back while he continued to kiss down his neck.

Zoro. Sanji hummed.

You just look so appetizing in my button up.

Let me finish cooking.

Zoro grunted as Sanji slipped from his grip. He sat at the bar taking his coffee between his hands and watched Sanji cook. His hips swayed softly as a song from the night before got stuck in his head.

Ya know. Zoro started.

Sanji turned to him, Yeah?

We still havent broken in our new bed.

That is correct, I was thinking may-

Sanji was interrupted by Zoros phone chiming. He frowned as Zoro picked it up.

Chief here. Zoro grunted.

There was a soft voice on the other side of the line. Zoro then sighed pulling out a pen and the notepad on the counter. He scribbled down an address before stopping and hanging up. He sighed looking up to Sanji with a slight frown.

I guess we will have to break in the bed some other time. Zoro sighed.

What? No you have to stay. Its our first day together. I had a whole day planned-

I know. I know. But being the head of everything is a little hard to get days off.

Zoro you promised, I even got today off so we could be together.

I know. I know.

Sanji sighed finishing breakfast and dishing it up and plating it. He placed a plate before Zoro and took a seat next to him.

Im sorry. Zoro said taking his hand.

Its alright Ill finish unpacking, or do something. Sanji shrugged.

Sanji lit up with an idea a smirk grew across his lips. He began to proudly eat at his breakfast. Zoro cocked a brow before eating his own. Curious about what tricks Sanji had up his sleeve. Once they had finished Sanji stripped of Zoros shirt giving it back while Zoro went to get dressed. Sanji started to do the dishes as his idea brewed and bubbled in his mind. Having a small chuckle leave his lips.

I dont like that look on your face. Zoro said.

Sanji turned to Zoro with a smile on his lips before approaching him. Zoro furrowed being backed up against a wall. Sanji cupped his cheeks kissing him softly and pulled back softly. His hand ran down to his belt loosening it. Zoro was stiff worried about what Sanji was going to do.

I know how you can make it up to me. Sanji whispered.

His hand slid into his pants slowly rubbing his growing erection.

H-how? Zoro stuttered.

Sanjis blue eyes caught Zoros concerned grey, Come home wearing nothing but, your boots.

Zoro furrowed, My boots?

Sanji nodded, Your. Boots.


Youll see.

Sanji kissed him one last time before pulling back, I hope you have a great day at work. Well Im going to take a shower. Love you bye!

Then disappeared into the bathroom. He grumbled looking down to his cock poking out of his underwear.

Damn it. He grumbled.

As the day was over Zoro headed home. Where he stepped up to there apartment. He yawned softly pulling out his keys and was about to unlock the door when a bright yellow sticky note caught his eye. In just your boots - Sanji.

You cant be serious. Zoro grumbled.

Pretty! Sanji called behind the door.

He cracked the door open as the chain on the door stopped it just enough for Sanji to poke outside. Zoro frowned crossing his arms.

I am not stripping in the middle of the hallway. Zoro grunted.

Then I guess your not coming in. Sanji said.

What if the neighbors see?

Theyll find out sooner or later that were kinky bitches. So clothes off or you're not coming in.

Sanji come on.

Looks like you're not coming in then. Or get to see your special surprise.

Zoro glanced around before sighing.

At least take my hat and gun.

Zoro pulled off his hat, holster, and his belt. Sanji took them as he watched Zoro strip off his shirt. He felt uneasy taking off his pants before pulling off his underwear. Sanji chuckled before shutting the door. Zoro headed inside not to find Sanji at the door.

Zoro! Im in here.

He grumbled shutting the door and locking it before heading inside. He headed to the bedroom then stopped in the doorway. His jaw dropped along with the clothes in his hands.

Welcome home. Daddy. Sanji purred, Ive waited an awful long time.

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