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Sanji packed a backpack full off his things and a few of Gin's valuables. His plan to get back at Gin wasn't finished just yet. Once he finished the door swung open to Reiju and Yonji stepping inside. Zoro leaned against the wall outside. While the siblings took Sanji out of the apartment. Sanji and Zoro made eye contact before Zoro pulled out some handcuffs and headed inside. Sanji clung to the bag while Reiju and Yonji escorted him to the car. They were surprised to the few cop cars outside. The cops made their way past them heading up to the apartment while they headed to the car.

"Yonji." Reiju gasped.

The blonde grinned as they noticed Gin's car spray painted with the word 'Cheater' across the sides of his car. Sanji chuckled as he got into the car. Sanji sat in the back seat and looked out the window as Zoro put Gin in the back of a police car. They both shouting and barking at each other before Zoro shoved him into the back of the car and slammed the door. He huffed and patted the door before the car drove off. Sanji saw Gin shouting and kicking in the back of the seat. The sirens blared before they took off. Sanji turned to Zoro who sighed and crossed his arms. He turned to Sanji who blew him a kiss before they drove off.

Zoro sits at the dining table. He looks down at his phone waiting for a phone call. He seemed to be sitting there for a couple of weeks now. He'd even sit there looking at his phone at work. He's waiting for Sanji to call him. He figured he should wait for Sanji to heal and him to call. But. Sanji and him haven't had any contact in the past three weeks. It's been almost a month and Zoro was getting less and less hope Sanji would call.

Perona stepped into the apartment seeing the three brothers off somewhere. Then noticed Zoro sitting at the table. He sighed softly pressing the home button and the lock screen popped up. It was a picture of him and Sanji at the beach. Sanji and him kissing softly before the screen went dark. He sighed again resting on his elbow as Perona frowned softly. She picked up her phone and left the apartment. She leaned against the wall calling Reiju.

She perked up to her phone ringing and picked it up. Reiju tucked a strand of hair behind her hair looking over to Sanji. He sat on the floor leaning over the coffee table swiping through his photo's of him and Zoro. Three tubs of finished ice cream, two bags of cookies, and a giant milkshake sat next to him. She frowned and turned to her phone. Perona was calling and she gladly picked it up. She pressed the phone to her ear and stepped into the kitchen.

"Hey, what's up?" Reiju asked.

"How's things there?" Perona asked.

"Not well. Sanji's finished three tubs of ice cream. Now he's working on those devil cookies. You know the cookies with like the inch thick of frosting with the sugar cookie?"

"Oh yeah those. Poor kid."

"Yeah how's Zoro?"

"He's been staring at his phone for the past three weeks. I'm not even sure if he eats."

"Meet me at the cafe. Let's come up with something."

"Alright. I'll see you soon."

Reiju grabbed her keys and was about to leave when Sanji stopped her.

"Reiju, can you put out flyers for my yard sale? I'm selling all the stuff Gin and I had. And some of his things." Sanji asked.

He pointed to the white flyers by the door. Reiju smiled and nodded taking them and headed out. She grew a large smirk picking up a flyer and put it in her purse. She got into her car and drove off.

Perona perked up to Reiju stepping into the cafe and handed her the flyer. She cocked a brow to the paper before picking it up.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"Sanji is going to have a yard sale. So maybe they can talk in person there."

"Zoro's not going to go. He doesn't want to upset Sanji."

"Unless someone else convinces him to go."


As Perona and Reiju constructed there plan. Perona took the flyer and headed to Zoro's house. Quickly folding the letter and slipping it into their mail slot. She gasped seeing Luffy and his brothers coming that way. She hid behind the front desk as the three brothers went to check the mail. Ace flipped through the mail before he stopped to the folded paper. Luffy snatched it and opened it. He grinned to 'Yard Sale' written across the top.

"We have to go."

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