~Part 1~

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Summer was almost over, which only meant one thing. School. John wasn't looking forward to it at all. He always got bullied, called "whoreson," though he never knew why, and his teachers all hated him with a passion. Even though John tried to be a decent student, studying as much as he could, doing all the homework he had time for, he somehow failed his classes.
The only way John was able to move up grades was through the money his dad paid the school. He never knew how his dad got the money, but he figured maybe he just had a well-paying job or something.
Despite being hated by so many, John did have a few good friends. He spent most of his time with Philip, always playing around with guns, though their parents continuously warned them not to. They usually practiced on the target Philip's dad, Alex, set up in his backyard. They were equal skill level, though Philip claimed he was better.
When it started to get dark out, they would set up a movie projector on the side of the garage and watch whatever they decided on, usually action or horror movies, which didn't help them sleep. Sometimes, they would fall asleep outside and have to be carried home by their parents. Even though Philip and John were such good friends, their parents refused to talk to each other. John didn't think much of it, only 'Maybe that's just how being an adult works?'
School was to start in about a weeks time, both John and Philip were going into 9th grade. A new school, a new start, right? They wanted to spend as much time outside as they could before school started, so they set up a tent outside. Was this the best idea without adjusting to high school? Probably not, but it didn't matter to them.
John's sister, Susan, always tried to join them, however they would push her away. She didn't want to admit it, but Susan had a minor crush on Philip. She was going into 7th grade, though, so she was trying to get over it. Philip had a few siblings, but they were also all younger than him, so he never included them in anything either.
To help pass time during the final week, besides camping outside all week, they decided to come up with a different challenge every day, and if they didn't complete every challenge, they had to do something extremely stupid on the first day of school. Neither wanted this, since they would have to spend 4 years at that school and ruining their reputation on the first day was not on their to-do list.
     They thought long and hard about the challenge list, but finally came up with it:
Day 1- Jump out of a tree into the swimming pool, starting off light.
Day 2- Eat a live bug, any type you can catch.
Day 3- The Floor is Lava challenge in the local Walmart, try to knock over some sort of display.
Day 4- Sing any song on the sidewalk, people, or not, walking by.
Day 5- Share any secret that other hasn't been told.
     They decided not to have challenges for over the weekend to give them time to shop for supplies and pack everything up. Since everything was set out, it was time to get going! This was going to be fun!

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