~Part 17~

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     "H-Herc?" J started shaking him, "Herc wake up!!!! HERC!!!"
     Alex pulled J away from him, "It's done... I'm sorry..."
     J tried breaking free but fell to the ground, and curled up, a crying mess.
     "I-I.. He.." He couldn't continue talking through his crying.
     Alex pulled out his phone and stepped into the hallway. He called Laf to tell him what happened.
A: Hey umm... bad news...
L: Uh- what?
A: Herc... died from a car crash...
A: I'm really sorry... J is here, he might want you to comfort him, he's been too busy screaming to do anything else...
L: oh my god.. I'll be right up...
     Alex put his phone away and walked back in the room to see J still on the ground. He waited for about 30 minutes before realizing, 'Shouldn't Laf have been here by now?' He got his phone back out and texted Laf, Um, don't reply if it isn't safe, but are you on your way?
     Laf answered back, I might be a while... Some drunk guy sided me...
A: Oh my god are you okay???
L: I'm at a different hospital right now, they did an X-Ray of my arm, thinking it might be broken. Other than that I'm just fine. Don't tell J, I don't want him worrying about anything else.
A: Okay I won't... If it is broken, should I come get you?
L: Yeah probably, just in case, I need to go, they have results, I'll get back to you asap.
     Alex put his phone away and sat on the ground next to J, "I might need to go pick up Laf, do you want to come with me?"
     J hesitated before slowly nodding 'Yes' and standing up. Alex stood up after him and led him away from the room.
     "W-wait... I wanna see Herc one last time..." He ran back into the room, hugged Herc's body for a few moments, then slowly came back out to where Alex was. They headed out to the car and Alex quickly texted Laf before they headed off.
A: I'm coming to get you, where are you?
L: The general hospital on 3rd and Mercer. It might be a few minutes, they have to get a cast on. Arm is broken pretty bad.
A: Alright, we can wait, be right there.
     Alex tucked his phone in the side of the door and drove off. They drove for a few minutes before J asked, "Uh... Where are we going? Why did we need to pick Laf up?"
     Alex explained the crash and how Laf broke his arm and they needed to get him since he couldn't drive with one normal arm.
     J started crying again, "Wh-why is everything ba-bad happening..."
     Alex responded, "Shh... Laf will be fine, just a broken arm, it should be better in a few weeks."
     "Oh.. R-right..."
     They pulled into the parking lot and Alex got out of the car. J looked over at him, "C-can you carry me? Inside?"
     "Sure," he walked around the car, opened the passenger side door, and pulled J out of the car, holding him. They went inside and waited around for Laf. About 10 minutes passed before Laf walked into the lobby with a sling on his arm.
     Alex looked over at him, "Ohmigosh yes hi!"
     J started kicking around, and Alex set him down. J ran over to Laf and hugged him.
     "Calmmmm downnnn," Laf managed to say through the pain. J backed away and Laf held his arm, biting his lip.
     "Sorry.. Just everything's gone wrong in the past couple days..."
     "What do you mean 'everything'?"
     "F-first Tuck, then Herc..."
     "Wait. What happened to Tuck?"
     J sighed, "H-he got out of his cage.. and I haven't seen him s-since.."
     "Oh.. Wow... I'm so sorry..." Laf hugged J, trying to ignore how much it hurt.
     Alex walked over to him and hugged him also, "I'm sure he'll show up sooner or later..."
     "I-I hope so... just... I..."
     J started crying and Laf and Alex held him tighter, before Laf suggested, "How about we get you home, I'll look for Tuck and you can rest."
     J nodded in agreement and they walked out to the car.
     Alex asked, "Laf, where's your car?"
     "They brought it into the shop, hoping to try to fix it."
     "Alright then guess you're coming with us."
     They got in the car and started the 'long' drive home.

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