~Part 15~

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Philip woke up to James shaking him. "Whaaaaat..."
"Get up, sleepyhead," James laughed.
"I don't wannnnaa- oh wait, what time is it?"
J jumped out into the room, "SHOWTIME! Just kidding, it's like 8:30"
"Ughhhh, I overslept... I need to get to work!" Philip quickly jumped off the couch then fell to the ground, "Or notttt, crap..."
"Yeah, I heard what happened, and apparently I'm supposed to make sure you rest? Everyone else left earlier, they didn't exactly tell me where they were going, but I didn't want to go anywhere."
"But I don't wanna rest... There's so much work I need to do... I need to go to school, continue my other classes, everything!"
"Woahhh, slow down! You need to rest! And what other classes? You're only starting high school, right?"
"Yeah... I'm taking pre-med classes to try to get some out of the way before college. I don't need to rest... I need to do these classes..."
"Well umm... sorry, you can't. Alex took your laptop along with them because he knew you'd want to do the classes."
"NO!!! No! No! No! No! Nooo!!!! Why!!!! Of course he would!!!! No!!!!"
Philip started running around, jumping over random furniture, until James grabbed him mid-air, "Shhh... calm down, just rest today, you can work the rest of the weekend. Okay?"
Philip started kicking around, still being held off the ground, "No! I have to work today!"
James carried him in one arm over his shoulder and threw a heat-pack in the microwave. They waited for a couple minutes before the microwave went off, signaling the heat-pack was ready. James grabbed it and brought Philip over to the couch, covered him with a blanket, and put the heat-pack on his forehead, hoping to calm him down. Philip tried getting up, but decided to stay on the couch. He closed his eyes and layed there, trying to forget all his thoughts.
Before they knew it, a few hours had passed. John walked in and called out, "Anyone home?"
Philip jumped up and ran over to him, tripping on the way.
"You good?"
"Gimme work!" Philip stood back up.
"Noo, you're supposed to rest..."
"TOMORROW!!! Go rest!"
Philip sighed before heading back to the couch, "Ugh fine... But tomorrow for sure!"
     Eventually, Maria, Laf, and Alex came back. James asked, "Where's Herc?"
     Laf answered, "He decided to head home for a little, long couple days, they might stop by again later."
     "Alright, yeah good choice by him, so anyone have any suggestions for how to pass time?"
     "Ughhh I wanna workkkkk," Philip sighed.
     Alex gave in, "Fine... Your laptop is in the car... Go easy..."
     Philip sprinted out to the car, grabbed his laptop, and opened it while running back inside. Alex stepped in front of him to stop him, "Did I not say go easy?"
     "Okay, fine..." He walked around Alex and sat down at the table then started typing as fast as he could. Everyone stared at him in shock for about 15 minutes, before he closed his laptop and stood back up. "Ughh I need more work..."
     John handed him a stack of papers, "These are what your teachers ga-" Before he could even finish, Philip was flying through the papers. It was about another 5 minutes before he was done. "Dude. That was a whole weeks worth of work and you did it in less than 5 minutes. Don't even try asking for more work. Go rest now."
     "But... I want more work?"
     "Nope... Maybe later today, you realize how much work you just did?" John grabbed Philip's arm and pulled him to the couch.
     "Noooo! I wanna workkkk!!!!" Philip started pulling away.
     "So-someone help! Please!?"
     Alex and Laf ran over to grab Philip. James grabbed the heat-pack and threw it back in the microwave. They pushed Philip back on the couch and covered him with a blanket, the same as before. James came back with the heat-pack and set it on Philip's forehead. Philip started kicking around and it took all 4 of them to keep him on the couch.
     James looked over at Maria, "Hey, umm... Can you make the special drink?"
     "Oh, sure!" She headed to the kitchen and quickly made the drink then brought it back to them.
     "Okay, Philip, just have this," James handed him the cup, but Philip gave it back, "Or we can go this way..."
      James handed the cup over to Alex and whispered a few things before going back to holding Philip.
     "Okay, Philip, just gotta have you drink this."
     Philip started to say "No," but before he could finish, Alex dumped some of the drink in his mouth, and he had no choice but to finish it. Shortly after, Philip noticeably calmed down and started to doze off. Everyone else backed away and sighed in relief before Philip fell back asleep.

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