~Part 22~

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     J went upstairs and started making breakfast. He wanted to show everyone the picture, but decided against it.
     After a little while longer, Herc woke up again, mostly awake this time, and started teasing Laf, "Youuu looove meeee, you saaiiiiid soooo."
     Laf tried standing up, but couldn't, "Uh- y-you remem- remember that?"
     "Yeeees, told youuu I wake awakeee," He stood up and picked Laf up with him.
     "H-Herc! I-"
     Herc started rocking him back and forth.
     "Uh-" Laf was at a loss for words.
     Herc carried him upstairs to meet up with everyone. J didn't question why Herc was carrying Laf, but gave him confused looks.
     Herc asked, "Where's Alex?"
     J answered, "Oh, he brought John and Philip to school today, and he think he was gonna go home after."
     "C-Can you pu-put me down n-now?" Laf was swinging his arms around.
     "Okayyyy, okayyyy, calm yourselfff." Herc slowly set him down on a chair. J brought a plate of food over to them, "So why did you carry Laf up here?"
"I- uh- I felt like it?"
"Really? Cuz I overheard you when I was still walking up the stairs."
Laf jumped up, "H-how much as tu entendu!?!?!?"(did you hear)
"Relaxxxx, yes I might've heard all of it, but if you don't want anyone else to know, I won't tell anyone!"
Laf sat back down, hiding his face in his hands, "What have I done..."
Herc looked over at him, "Don't even try to hide it," he started laughing, "I... might've read... your journal?"
"N-no! No... I'm ruined..."
Herc walked over to Laf, "Nooo, it's cute," and smiled at him.
Laf shook his head, 'No,' before Herc grabbed Laf's hands and pulled them away from his face.
"H-Herc! Let g-go!"
Herc ignored him and pulled him out of the chair, still holding his hands. Herc looked back at J, who nodded once, then turned back to Laf and pulled him into a kiss, wrapping his arms around Laf's neck. They stayed like that for a minute, until Herc took a step back and moved his hands up to Laf's shoulders.
Laf was frozen, thinking, 'Wait. Did that just happen. Did he just. Wait. Was that me? But his lips. Soft? How? Maybe Herc has a soft side?' He snapped out of his thoughts and without thinking, pulled Herc back in.
Another couple minutes passed before they stopped, both half-out of breath.
"W-what was - t-that? Wha- just happened? H-how?" Laf asked, very confused.
"Shh, just accept it." J said from across the room.
Laf jumped, "You're here!"
"Where else would I be?"
"J-jus... I don't know?.."
     Just then, there was another knock on the door.
     "Who could it be this time?" J got up and walked over to answer it, "Hey Alex! You didn't have to knock," he laughed.
     Alex started laughing with him, "Well I didn't wanna just randomly walk in."
     "Whateverrrr," J grabbed his arm and started pulling him to the living room, where everyone else was.
     "Heyyyy- I can walk myselffff," Alex tried pulling away, but they were already in the living room, so J let go, causing Alex to fly backwards, hitting the ground, "Mfff... Well thanks..," Alex looked away, staying on the ground.
     "Anytime," J picked Alex up and set him in a chair. Alex looked over at Laf and Herc, who were kissing again,
"And theyyyyy?"
     "It's a long story.. kinda.. let's just say when Laf thought Herc was still mainly sleeping, he confessed his love, and Herc actually remembered soooo..."
     "Oh.. awwww"
     J looked over at them again, "hey! you two! Alex is here, wouldja stop for a minute!?"
     They looked over at him and quickly backed away, Laf saying, "Uh- th-this is nothing... don't mind anything.. oublier.." (forget)
     "Dude, you're speaking French.. again.." J said.
     Alex looked at J, confused, "What's so different about him speaking French?"
     "Ever since he learned English, he only speaks French when he's nervous, like really nervous."
     "PAS VRAI!" (Not true!), Laf's face turned red and he turned around and leaned against the wall, face towards the wall.
     Alex looked over at him, "Oh, that's kindof like me... Just with Spanish..."
     "Oh really?" J smirked at him.
     "Sí..." Alex quickly covered his mouth, with fear in his eyes.
     J started laughing at him, "Didn't wanna tell us that?"
     "Cállate..."(Shut up...) Alex buried his face in the chair.
     Laf looked back at him and started laughing, "Glad I'm not the only one."
     "Ughhhhh," Alex started lightly crying.
     "A-Alex?" Laf walked over to him, worried.
     "Go... Go awa- away..." Alex could barely talk through the tears, "I hate... hate when t-this ha-happens..."
     "Sorry, I'm not leaving you. Deep breaths okay? En, fuera, en, fuera." (In, out, in, out)
     Alex followed his talking, taking deep breaths, until he was mainly calmed down. "Th-thanks... I didn't re-realize you knew Spanish?"
     "Only some basics, just stay here and relax, okay?"
     "Bueno.."(fine/whatever) "I-uh- no otra vez..." (not again...)
     "Mon ami, what are you so nervous about?"
     "Eh- nada." (Nothing)
     "Are you sure about that? You must be preeeetty nervous to still be talking in Spanish."
     "Sí... Es nada..."
     "J? Can you get him to spill?"
     J walked over to them, "Okay, Alex... what's so nerve-racking?"
     Alex took a few deep breaths again, "It's just..."
(Wow a cliffhanger?? Evillll 😂)

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