~Part 13~

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"OhMyGosh I'm so sorry.. Holy crap this is all my fault... Nononononono... Please calm down? I can't do this anymore... I can't believe myself..." He started crying into John's shoulder.
Philip looked over at them, "Ohhhhh no...," he went outside to get J and Alex, 'Maybe they can help...'
"Daaaa-" he saw them in the yard, making out, "DAD!" Alex quickly backed away and looked at Philip, "uh... yes?"
"You need to explain that. But later. Right now, John and Lafayette are crying messes and I need your help..."
They quickly stood up, J grabbed Tuck, and they headed inside. Alex looked down at them, "Uh- who started this?"
Philip told as much of the story as he could, then went back to asking, "So can you help orrrrr?"
"Yeah as soon as you answer this: How did you find Laf's name? I'll ask them each something when they're calmed down..."
"I-uh.." He took a deep breath, "looked it up... in the database.. on my laptop..."
"PHILIP! Ugh, whatever. We need to calm them down... J?" He looked over at J, who was playing with Tuck. "Oh my god... Fine, Philip do you know anything that could calm them down?"
Before Philip could answer, John stood up and pulled him into a tight hug. "Uh- John? I can't move?... Okay whatever, if this helps you, it works," he stayed still with John still wrapped around him.
After a while, John quietly asked, "Ph-Philip... C-can you go to the hospital and make s-sure you're okay? F-for me?"
"Of course, who do you want to stay here with you?"
"I-it doesn't m-matter."
Laf slowly pulled John away from Philip, holding onto him gently, "I'll watch him, Alex you can bring Philip. If that's okay, that is."
"That sounds just fine!" He grabbed his car keys, "Okay Philip, let's go, I guess." He headed out to his car, Philip slowly following behind. "Can you go faster?" Alex joked. Philip tried to walk faster, but slowed down, grabbing his stomach. "Oh... Or I can carry you." Alex walked back to Philip and picked him up, then brought him out to the car and drove off.
Laf brought John over to the couch and had him rest there for a few minutes before asking, "I didn't mean to offend you by calling you that earlier... But can you tell me why it did offend you so much and make you cry? Just so I know why not to in the future..."
John waited a moment then breathed in, then out, in, out, before answering, "It reminds me that... that I wasn't supposed to be born... that I was a mistake... they wanted to kill me... as an infant... but decided not to... I shouldn't be here..."
J looked up at them, "Of course you deserve to be here! Look at how much you've done! You have great friends, and you are a great friend!"
John jumped in shock after hearing him, forgetting he was there, since he had been so quiet playing with Tuck, "Okay fine, good point... But still, I wouldn't have even been here..."
"You may not have been, but now's all that matters, and I'm glad you are here." He smiled at John and went back to playing with Tuck.
"Uh, where is everyone else? They've been gone a while." John asked.
Laf responded, "James texted me earlier, they went a little further than they planned and are staying at a hotel over night then coming back tomorrow."
"But we literally just met you guys?"
"Yeahhh, I'm kindof confused also... But if that's what they want to do, so be it."
John shrugged and looked out the window.
"What are you looking at?"
"Oh.. Nothing, just waiting for them to get back... I hope he's alright..."
Laf nudged him in the side.
"Ow! What was that for!? Ohh... oh no no no..."
"Hmmmm," Laf smirked at him.
"Noooo, plus we're supposedly brothers or something? Sooo..."
"Oh... Wait what? But you look nothing alike?"
"It's complicated... I'll explain everything later, hopefully that also makes more sense of what I said earlier about me not supposed to be here."
"Uhh about that..."
"I swear if Alex already told you..."
Laf slowly nodded his head 'Yes.'
(Hmm maybe that's why he knew your name...)
"UGH OH MY G-" The front door opened, and Alex walked in. "W-where's Philip?"
Alex motioned his head outside, "He's sleeping in the car, they had to put him under for a little to give him stitches. Everything else is fine, though."
John sighed in relief then asked, "How long until he wakes up?"
"Shouldn't be much longer, maybe 20ish minutes, but he's not allowed to do much physical activity for a couple days."
"Oh... Oh well, there's other things we can do!"
"And that's just another reason you're a great friend," Laf said, smiling at him.
"Okay fineeeee, you win," John threw his hands up in defeat.
They sat around for a few minutes before Alex walked over to J. "Uh... C-can I h-hold Tuck?"
"Sure!" He started to pick him up, "What made you decide to change your mind about not wanting to be by him?"
"J-just... everyone else is getting th-through their worries s-so I... I thought I-I'd try th-this..."
"Awesome! Let's try this the easy way for now," he put Tuck against Alex, just below his shoulder, "Just have one hand under him and one on the shell, really easy!"
Alex cautiously took Tuck and held him, just like J said to, "Th-this isn't th-that bad..."
"Nope! See, nothing to worry about!"
They sat around for a while, still waiting for Philip to come back.

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