~Part 24~

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(Wow this is almost my longest story yet)
     Herc quickly moved Alex off him and stood up, then ran after Laf. He almost ran into the door, but opened it last-second. "LAF! PLEASE STAY!"
     Hearing Herc's voice made Laf freeze, "I'm sorry... I can't..." He continued walking away.
     Herc ran up to him, hugged him, and started crying.
     "Herc.. Please don't... I'm trying to.. to not.. be so sad... about this," Laf's eyes teared up, "T-this is the fir-first time I've se-seen you cry..."
     "C-cuz I'll... I'll mi-miss you," Herc started crying harder.
     "Fine.. Just for you, I'll try my hardest to find a way to stay... But no guarantees..." Laf hugged Herc back to comfort him. (Oh? But his arm? Yeah it's in a normal cast now, I forgot to write about that.)
     "Herc, I should really get going... Maybe I can get a plan to stay sooner?"
     Herc backed away and smiled at him, tears still rolling down his face.
     "I'll come back as soon as I hear something back!" Laf ran off back to his house, then quickly asked, "How do I contact them!?"
     One of his family members gave him the phone number, and Laf quickly started a conversation. (L-Laf F-Agent)
L: Hey! I heard my family needed to leave!
F: Yes, we are giving you up to a month.
L: How can I stay?
F: I'm sorry, there's no way.
L: There has to be a way.
F: Let me ask the head of my department.
L: Okay, thank you!
F: They said there is one way, but it can only help you, not the rest of your family.
L: Why wouldn't it help my family?
F: Because of their age. I suppose I should tell you the way. You will be allowed to stay during and after you spend a 1 year period on the active-list of the Army.
     Laf told everyone what the agent said. They said they were sad they couldn't stay, but if Laf wanted to, he could stay back. He'd have a better chance at a successful future than them. He profusely thanked them then went back to texting the agent.
L: I'll miss my family, but I'll do it!
F: Sounds great! We are always looking for new people! I'll add you to the list at the beginning of next month. You will be in the list until that time next year, and will be automatically removed. You can stay in your current house for that year, we will only call you in if we need you. If you don't get a call, you don't come in, but you still stay in the country, simple! Any questions?
L: I don't believe so, should I just text you if I have any?
F: Yes, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible, good luck!
L: Thank you again!
     Laf quickly turned off his phone and put it away before running over to his family, giving them the new information, and running back to J's house.
     Herc saw him running towards the house and ran over to him, knocking him over, "So? So? So? So?"
     "Okayyy relaxxxx," he tried pushing Herc off, struggling for air.
     "Oh, sorry!" Herc got off and stood up, then helped Laf up.
     Laf got his phone out, opened the conversation, and handed it to Herc. Herc started scrolling through it and when he got to the end, got distracted and started looking through Laf's photos. Laf took his phone back and saw photos was open. "H-Herc!," Laf quickly turned his phone off.
     "Why do you have so many pics of me?," Herc laughed.
     "I- uh... Je ne sais pas..."(I don't know...)
     "I thiiiiink you do know," Herc smirked at him.
     "Vous parlez français aussi?" (You speak French too?) Laf face-palmed and sunk back to the ground.
     "Yeah I had to learn some of it back when you still were learning English, kinda hard to talk to people who's sentences are half French."
     "Heh..." Laf slowly stood back up.
     "Let's get you back inside, I'm sure everyone else will be glad to see you again!" Herc led Laf inside to meet up with everyone else again.
     "H-Herc! Did you even read the messages!?"
     "Yeah, but you get to stay here unless they call, so you're staying here!"
     J overheard them, "Wait what? What call?"
     Laf gave him his phone with the convo. and J read through it, then again got distracted and ended up at photos. Laf took his phone back again, "Okay!? What is so interesting about my photos!?!?"
     Alex walked up to them, "What photos?"
     J stole the phone back and gave it to Alex. Laf tried grabbing it before Alex saw, but he was too slow. "Awwwww!"
     J wrapped his arm around Laf's shoulder, "Seeee, it's fineeee, and cute," he smiled at Laf.
     "Okay... Fine... Just read the messages..."
     Alex switched over to messages and skimmed through them, "Excuse me, what!? Like okay, I'm glad you're staying and all, but you realize how dangerous this could be!?"
     Laf nodded and sighed, "Apparently it's the only way though..."
     "Well I guess if you're fine with it..." Alex walked over and hugged him, and J and Herc both followed.
     "Th-thanks everyone! I hope everything works out fine..."
     "Us too," they continued hugging him, glad he could stay.

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