~Part 21~

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     When they got back to the house, Alex checked the time, "21:00, 'Already?' He helped Philip out of the car and carried him inside, "I'm gonna leave the wheelchair in the car for now, let me know if you need to get anywhere." Philip nodded and let Alex carry him.
     When they got back inside, Alex saw that John had came back home and was here, "Oh! Hey! Where's your parents?" He set Philip down on a chair and sat in a different chair.
     John immediately saw Philip's leg, "They went home.. but- What happened!?"
     "Oh... it's nothing.. I'll tell you lat-"
     Laf cut him off, "Big branch fell, he got stuck, that happened, had to have hurt pretty bad."
     John's eyes widened, "Nothing!? That sure sounds like something!"
     "I- uh- heh... I guess..."
     John walked over and sat on the armrest of the chair Philip was in. Philip looked up at him, "uh-hey?" John slid down in the chair, pulling Philip on his lap. "John! What the crap!" John started laughing and moving his leg up and down, bouncing Philip a little. "Really!!?" Philip couldn't help but to laugh.
     John smiled at him before stopping.
     "Nooo...," Philip frowned.
     "Okay fine," he continued bouncing Philip, laughing, "I thought you were the 'mature one'."
     "Shut up, am I not allowed to enjoy some childish things?" Philip laughed.
     "Whateverrrr," he slowly stopped again and wrapped his arms tighter around Philip. Philip layed back against him and closed his eyes. John waited a few minutes before slowly moving the sleeping Philip off him, and got out of the chair, then brought Philip a blanket and covered him.
     "It's not that late is it?"
     Alex checked his phone again, '21:42,' "Almost 9:45, so getting late, and he definitely needs rest if he wants to go to school tomorrow."
     "Ah, right. Crap, I need to sleep at some point also."
"Does anyone know you're here?"
"Yeah, I told them I might have to spend the night here if it got too late, so I guess I should if that's fine?"
     J looked over at him, "Yeah if it's fine with them, I'm fine! Just pick any place! And has anyone seen Herc?"
     Alex answered, "yeah, I think he headed to the basement or something to sleep."
     "Well that's quite the choice of place... I'm gonna go check on him, everyone else maybe get to bed soon?" Laf asked, "Can I check on him instead?" J nodded 'Yes.'
     Laf headed down the stairs and looked over at Herc, who was sleeping. He ran back up, grabbed a blanket, and brought it down to him. He got on his knees to cover Herc, but Herc grabbed his arm. "Oh, you're awake!" Laf tried pulling away, but Herc pulled him in and wrapped around him, "Uh- okay? Herc?"
     "Oh, right... didn't ask... c-can you stay w-with me tonight?"
     Laf took a deep breath, "S-sure.."
     Herc smiled at Laf and pulled him in closer, then fell asleep holding him. Laf couldn't move, so he texted J explaining what happened, and started thinking, 'How did I get in this situation, how is Herc so gentle, the guy is giant... So warm... Getting tired... This isn't that bad...,' then he fell asleep, being held by Herc.
-------(Next morning)-------
     J woke up early and went down to the basement to check on them again, then saw them laying up against each other, with Herc still holding Laf, "Awwwwww," he got out his phone and took a picture. As he turned around to leave, Laf woke up and yawned. J turned back around, "Morninggggg." Laf noticed Herc was still holding him and quickly looked away, "Uh- hey-" He tried pulling away from Herc, but couldn't, and woke Herc up while trying.
     "Oh! Herc! Sorry!"
     "Nooo, is fineeeee."
     "You're still out of it..."
     "Pffff no," he pulled Laf closer again.
     J tried to hold back from laughing and said, "I'll just leave you two alone," before heading back upstairs.
      Laf tried getting out again, which caused Herc to hold him tighter.
     "Herc, that kinda hurts..."
(Herc is like kinda acting drunk at this point from still being mostly asleep)
     "Well then stop tryna geee ouuuut!""
      Laf sighed, "Okay, fine..."
      Herc layed his head against Laf and snuggled into him, "I loveeeee youuuu."
     "Oh, is that so?"
     "Yeahhhhh, do you love me toooo?"
     Laf laughed before answering, "Yes, Herc."
      "Yayyyyyy! Will you date me???"
     "How about we talk about this when you're awake?"
     "But I ammmm awaaaaake!"
     "Suuuure you are."
     Herc held Laf as tight as he could then closed his eyes and fell back asleep.
     "H-Herc! I c-can't breathe!" Laf pushed away a little, giving him just enough room to breathe, before noticing Herc was sleeping again.
     "alright, guess I'm stuck here for a little while longer..."

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