~Part 3~

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Philip woke up extremely early. He checked his phone and saw the time, "4:37." He decided to try to prank John, but how? There was the classic air-horn, but he wanted something original!
After almost too long of thinking, he checked the time again. "5:16." Too much time had already passed, he had to settle for some sort of classic prank.
Philip tried putting whipped-cream in John's hand and tickling his face, but he didn't know John was already awake. When he tried, John ended up smacking the whipped-cream into Philip's face instead, and started laughing so much his stomach hurt, and he curled up in pain.
Philip tried wiping the cream off his face and flinging it at John, but missed and got it all over the floor. John sat up, still laughing, "You gonna clean that up? And wow your aim is terrible."
"Shut up John! At least I'm not-" He stopped, realizing that might be too cruel.
"Not what?" John looked over at him in confusion.
"Never mind... just forget I said anything... Fine, but like you could aim better."
"No. Tell me what you were going to say."
Philip started wiping the cream off the floor with his hand, shaking his head 'No.'
John grabbed Philip's arm and with a fierce voice, asked, "What were you going to say? Tell me. Now."
Philip whispered, hoping John wouldn't hear him, but would stop asking, "At least I'm not a... whoreson..." He barely managed to get it out, even while whispering.
John must've heard him because he let go of Philip's arm and backed away, starting to cry. Philip looked over at him, regretting even saying anything about it, and left the tent where their sleeping bags were set up.
John stayed still for a few minutes, but quickly forgave Philip, and left to search for him.
"Philip??" He waited a minute. "PHILIP!?!?" Another minute passed. "PHILIP WHERE ARE YOU?!?" Still no answer. He looked around, behind every tree, in every ditch, hoping Philip was just trying to get him back.
He heard soft crying in the distance and went over to where it was coming from. He saw Philip curled up on the ground behind the shed. He didn't say anything, and sat down next to Philip, hoping he would calm down a little before he could try to talk to him.
The crying stopped a little before John said, "You worried me, listen, it's fine, I know I forced you into saying that, and it's not your faul-" Philip pulled John into a hug before he could finish his sentence. John hugged him back, wrapping his arms around Philip's neck. "Let's just forget about this, okay? I completely forgive you, it was my fault after all."
Philip tried shaking his head 'No,' saying it was his fault and that he shouldn't have started talking about it in the first place.
"Whatever makes you feel better," he checked his phone, 'Time: 7:14,' "Ready for the challenge today? Or you wanna forfeit already?"
"Not gonna forfeit. If anyone will, it's gonna be you." Philip slowly got up and pulled John up with him. They headed over to the pool and climbed the over-hanging tree.
"Who's gonna go first?" Philip asked.
John shrugged his shoulders, "Rock, paper, scissors?"
Without an answer, they started playing. Best 2 of 3. Of course, Philip won. John might be good at other things, but when it comes to Rock, Paper, Scissors, Philip is the master.
"Why did I even suggest thaaaaa-"
Philip had shoved him out of the tree into the pool.
"Why would you d-" The cold water hit him, "crap! no!" He was biting his lip trying to keep from screaming. Philip didn't realize how cold the water could be and jumped in after John.
"HOLY SHIIIIIIII" He started taking multiple deep breaths until he could get out of the pool. John followed him, barely being able to get out.
"Well I guess we survived." John managed to say through being frozen.
They went inside to get blankets and sit by the fireplace. Alex heard them and came out to the living room, where they were.
"Okayyyyy, and why are you two soaking wet?"
Philip was still shivering, but looked over at him, "W-we jum-jumped in the... the poooooool. Cold."
Alex sighed, "And who's idea was this?"
"Uh- b- both."
Alex walked into the kitchen and started making hot chocolate for them to help them warm up. He called back into the living room, "You two are ridiculous sometimes," and started laughing.
The day went by quickly, they watched another movie, James Bond this time, learning from their mistake of watching a horror movie last night. The challenge came and went, days passed by extremely quickly, until it was time for school shopping. Already.
School was starting in 2 days. They couldn't believe it. High schoolers, at last! The past week had been pretty ridiculous, both of them successfully completing all the challenges, luckily. They didn't need anything else to worry about besides trying to make sure their first impression at the new school was the best.
They went to Target, since they had been banned at Walmart after The Floor Is Lava. They got their pencils, binders, notebooks, highlighters, some extra erasers in case, and a new book bag. They were sooooo ready for this year. Or so they thought.

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