~Part 25~

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     They one-by-one pulled away from Laf, then Herc carried him over to the couch. Laf looked around before asking, "Where's John and Philip? It's that time, right?"
     Alex answered, "Yeah, Philip texted me, he's gonna stay at our house with John for a while."
     Laf nodded at him.
     J left for a minute to get the mail, and saw Philip getting his mail also. Philip looked over at him and ran up to him, holding a letter, "C-can you give this to my dad?" J grabbed the letter and nodded before bringing it back inside, reading who it was from.
     "Alex! You have a letter from.. Dr. Marski?"
     "Oh... Why?..."
     "Is something wrong with that?"
     "No? Maybe? I don't know.. Th- He.. was the doctor that... that cared for E-Eliza... after the accident..."
     "Oh, what would it be about then?"
     Alex shrugged before taking the letter from J. He stared at it for a minute, hoping it wasn't anything too bad, and slowly opened it.
Mr. Alexander Hamilton,
     This is a letter regarding your past wife, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton. We received notification a couple days ago that someone by that name purchased some items from a local store. It had already been investigated and is believed it is officially her. We are trying to track her down to confirm this and are contacting you to see if you have any further information. Thank you in advance and have a great day!
     Alex put the letter down in disbelief.
     J looked at him, then at the letter, then back at him, "What was it?"
     "They... think Eliza's alive..."
     "No way, let me read that," J grabbed the letter from where Alex set it down. J re-read it multiple times before handing it off to Laf. Laf read it, then gave it to Herc.
     "G-guys! Seriously!?" Alex stole the letter back from Herc and put it back in the envelope, then ran back home. He ran into his house, out of breath. John and Philip were watching T.V, and they heard him come in, then looked up at him.
     Philip was the first one to say anything, "What's the letter for?"
     Alex didn't answer and instead handed the letter to Philip. Philip read through it, then read it again, "Am I reading this correctly?"
     "Depends, you probably are."
     "WE NEED TO GO FIND HER!" Philip jumped up then fell on his leg, "Owww!"
     "Woahhhhh, shhhhh." Alex helped Philip back up.
     "Oh.. Right..."
     John looked at both of them, very confused. Philip handed John the letter, and he skimmed through it, then read it again more carefully. "Wow. Can I help?"
     "Sure, the more the better I guess, everyone ready to go?"
     "Okayyyy Philip, I get it, you're excited, bring it down a liiiittle."
     "NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!" Philip started jumping around on his chair.
     There was a light knock on the door and Alex went to open it, "Herc! Hey!" Philip was still screaming and bouncing.
     "Hey, I see someone's energetic," Herc laughed.
     "LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!!!"
     "Sorry Herc, I gotta bring him out to try to find Eliza, I'll meet up with you later!"
     "Alright, see ya later!" Herc walked back over to J's house.
     "Okay, okayyyy, go get in the car I'll be out shortly!"
     Philip got in his wheelchair and headed out to the car, but couldn't get in without Alex's help. "HURRY UPPPP!!!!"
     Alex walked out to the car, John following behind him, "Okay, fineee," He helped Philip get in the car then drove into the city.
     "Can I look with John and you go look? It'll take less time and I can text you if I need anything."
     Alex sighed, "Fine. But stay out of trouble." He headed off in one direction and Philip and John headed off in the other.
     After a few minutes of searching, John and Philip passed an alley, and an unknown man pulled them in. He flipped Philip's wheelchair over, causing him to fly into the wall.
     The man grabbed John and started pulling him away, but John was able to break free and swung around, full-out punching the guy in the face. He reached up, feeling where John punched him, then ran away.
     John quickly ran over to Philip, "A-are you okay!?!?"
     "Too dark to tell, probably scraped up, but I'll be fine."
     John found Philip's wheelchair and helped him back in it, then headed off in search of Alex.
-----POV Change-----
     Alex walked along the road, hoping to see anyone he knew. About what felt like an hour passed before he was about ready to give up. He started thinking if he made the right choice letting John and Philip go alone. They didn't seem to be that well by themselves... That's when he accidently ran into someone. He quickly looked up at them, "I'm so sorry! Wait, have I seen you before? You just look so familiar..."
     She looked back at him, "Alex?"

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