The Club I

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"Let's go out." That's what they told me days ago and the constant nagging that led up to this last hour where I said;


Grabbing my coat and shoving off into the night, the wind howled just as loud as the music in the car packed with 5 bodies full of testosterone. These bodies soon to be filled with alcohol and probably STI's if they were lucky enough. 

It was probably wrong of me to talk about my boys like that, but being a realist it was possible that with the fooling around they did that one of them would have to get their manhood removed. 

Jim parked the car around the block- a 3 minute walk away from the clubs entrance. The wind blew something fierce and I buried my chin into the straightened collar of the leather jacket. The air filled with pollution of the city and laughter, the laughter of drunks and harlot's laughing at said drunks or among themselves about what a total ass the guy in front them was. 

We walked in a close group- like children from kindergarten, there wasn't anything to fear in these roads but that's how we were- just liked to travel closely. In front the club stood a pretty lengthy line, women in their most eye catching outfits, luring men like moths to a flame only to burn them when they said no. That was fun for them, to seduce and curve the men of this city. it wasn't especially mean of them, I mean- those men have it coming with their horny selves. The men dressed in semi casual attire and missing the most important part of their life- a metal band that wrapped around a certain finger telling their life's story.

I wasn't much different from most of these men at Jasmine's Bar and Entertainment- after all I am man. We didn't have to join the line. Jim was a man that knew people and we were ushered through the VIP line into the club. The atmosphere was stuffy with booze, sin and chemicals. We forced our way through the crowds of men and women, Jim and the other guys getting their touch of heaven whenever they passed a woman, and she exacting her revenge when she grabbed their seeds of life. One would think by now that these boys of mine would learn but its not like they had any children or wives to go home to- they could afford this.

We got to the bar and sat, I pulled off my coat revealing the toned definition coated in a white tee. I looked over the bar, Jasmine was there herself cleaning a beer mug and tossed me a smile when our eyes connected.

"What will it be? The usual?" she asks. I chuckle as if she knew what the usual was. I hadn't been in this hell hole since... well for a couple years now. I had still passed by every now and then for a drink after work but that was during early evenings when the place was still a ghost town. Jasmine didn't work that shift either, hardly had I seen her those times.

She brought over 5 double shot glasses and poured the melon liqueur inside, some Irish mist then the whisky. She purposely over flowed mine with a little spilling on her finger as she held the glass. As back then, she still licked it off her finger in the most seductive way and smiled that evil smile that said 'one night'.

I lifted my glass  with a smirk and bowed slightly;

"You still got it baby." I said slyly and downed my shot, "Another round yea?" I turned my glass upside down on the counter- was never a fan of slamming the glass, kind of looked like an uncontrolled habit to me.

I looked around the club as I waited for my next shot. Some music played but all I got was the bass of it all here at the bar. The floor was full of adolescents about 21 to 25, I was only 28 but still felt out of place here. Girls dancing on girls was never anything new to me as in my day the same thing happened. Only then it was a way of the clique of girls to stick together and ward off any unwanted male bodies that would surely look to take any innocence that may remain in those women. Now it was that girls just loved girls and rather dance on each other to claim the lust in each others body instead of protect. It wasn't better for them as this only tuned into a more beastly instinct in the onlooking men and would reap the rewards of their struggle in some alley and would hear about it on tomorrow morning's headline. 

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