You Don't Fall In Love Twice

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You Don't Fall In Love Twice, You Crash


Damn you Naomi. I cursed in my head after hitting the end button on my Bluetooth earpiece. And I was just having a good day. I smiled to myself, Naomi was a really close friend and we'd do almost anything physically possible for each other. In this moment- don't get me wrong, she did nothing to me at least not directly.

Naomi was just telling me that she had ran into her ex. Of course the two of us led very busy lives so it was near impossible for her to do that, but it happened.

"How did that happen?" I recalled the moment.

"Well you know how busy I am. I had just finished off Ferguson's file a bit before lunch, you know how much I was stressing over it. Anyway I had just finished it and decided I would actually treat myself to my favorite cream coffee, so I headed down to Bridge Cafe to get some. On my way out Marissa had called me asking about the memos for Human Resource, so we talked about it and some stuff about work on my way back and that's when I bumped into Trevin." She sounded shocked yet excited.

"Trevin? Thee Trevin?" I repeated.

"Yesss! Thee Trevin, Sam." She sounded like a schoolgirl.

"But Naomi, if it is Trevin why do you sound so happy? I thought he is your ex? " I was beginning to be worried.

"Oh." She calmed down a little, "right. Well whatever happened between us is okay now." I could still hear the cheer in her voice.

"Naomi. This is Trevin Beretta we're talking about. The guy that slept with your ex best friend because he didn't want to wait until you were married." I drove it home. I know it probably hurt her to hear that, it hurt me to even be saying it. The fact she was playing off what he did is either very stupid or she's not realizing who the jerk really was.

"Sam. Trevin asked me out... for coffee, on Saturday."

I knew where this was going; Naomi was going to allow herself to be dragged in by his crap. She had a soft spot for anyone that said sorry, I understood because no one ever gave her a chance.

I guess it was her way of pitying people but it harshly backfired in her face as her just being soft.

I may be insulting Naomi though- don't get me wrong, Naomi is a softie but to those poor excuse of men she dated- it's distasteful. I never understood the entire point of;

"I'm sorry baby, I've done you wrong and I've been a fool, please take me back."

"I've been an idiot, won't you forgive me? I promise I'll make it up to you."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I don't know what I was thinking leaving you. When we broke up my entire world ended."

And possibly many more of those pathetic excuses. I never quite understood them and I'm a man. In all my relationships... well I've only had two but still. Those relationships were absolute, it was a mutual agreement that we should break up and I never looked back, so I don't get the hassle of these guys now.

"Sam you still there?" Naomi pulled me back.

"Yea sorry, was focusing on traffic." I lied.

I really wasn't about to let Naomi fall like that. She still had her entire career to think about, Trevin as he was was already a great set back for her. Especially with the emotional time she had invested in that relationship.

I actually remember one time she told me that she thought he was going to propose, I was happy for her. Even then though,as if it was just a thought but something always seemed off about Trevin, so it was no surprise why she was crying when Marissa and I went by her place the weekend, to find out the news about him sleeping with her best friend.

She pulled herself quickly after that and even curved guys that came after Trevin, so I was really shocked that she was talking about a man now, let alone Trevin.

"Sam, let me ask you a question. Do you still get along with your ex?" She asked me and I kept completely quiet. Not that I didn't want to answer her, I couldn't. Remembering what I went through with my first ex made my blood boil.

"Umm, no. We stopped talking about two years now." I began.

"Before we got together I asked her if she believed we could still have a close friendship if we ever broke up. She told me yes and we dated for four years before we called it quits. Of course we went through that period of not talking for about a month, it felt longer for me but I used work as a way to distract myself." I laughed at the memory.

"We started talking a good long while after, and it seemed to bring back feelings from me I'm not gonna lie about it, but my mind was made up because I remembered the problems we had that just couldn't be solved. I realized that she strayed from the so called friendship we planned but I didn't pay much attention to it because I was committed to work."

"So what do you think?" She asked

"What do I think? I'm surprised you're even asking when I know you're still gonna go see him anyway."

There was silence.

"You're right." She giggled

I sighed.

 "Naomi I'm serious, I would forbid you from seeing him if I could." 

 " But? "

 "But I can only ask you to be safe." I sigh once more. 

 "So are we still on for Friday night?" She asks changing the topic. 

 " I guess, once you don't have plans. " I joke

 "What's that to mean." I could hear the smile in her voice.

 "I'll hear you later Nai." I end the call and look at the road. My ex, to be honest I remember the times we had, but all I can really remember about her was her red hair and the way it shone in the sun. It was like the way sugar glistens across freshly made cinnamon rolls with strawberry  jam. The traffic lights flash green after a second but someone decided to move off before I do causing a rear end accident.

 "F***ing a*****e ." I curse under my breath before turning off the engine and getting out the car. 

 "So is this what it is now? No one's gonna wait anymore?" I start bad mouthing as soon as I step out. Looking at the back of the car as I do. The damage isn't that bad but it is an inconvenience that could have been avoided.

 " I wonder what in hell's name could have been so important that you couldn't wait huh? " my bad road rage habit was showing.

The driver of the vehicle behind me opened the door and stepped out, I posed my words ready to strike again but just shut up and stare.

 "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry sir!" She looks at the damage and apologizes again before looking up at me.

 "I'm so sorry... Sam?" A lady with red hair looks at me surprised, the kind of red hair that resembles sugar glistening on strawberry jam cinnamon rolls.

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