Friday October 13th

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"Let's build the biggest sand castle in the world."

"Nah let's make sand balls and throw in the sea."

"Okay but you can't put any in my eyes."

The memories came back to me as we passed the beach I loved yet dreaded so much- my mother was driving us home after a long day in town.

The accident that happened at the beach was years ago, it really impacted on me and back then mom took a different route home. It's been years as I said and I believe mom thinks I got over it but, I always think about the accident whenever this time of year comes around.

"Let's go in the water, there's too much sand in my hair."

"Okay hold on." I said finishing a sand ball I was making.

"Last one in." He smiled at me while running away. The world seemed to slow down a little as he ran into the water. Jake is my best friend.

Jake was my best friend. I rolled over from sitting back in the seat to the window where I lay on my hand- tears forming.

We loved the beach, we loved the sea just as much. Jake basically lived the sea, whenever we went to the beach he spent most of his time in the water, his last in the sea.

I sniffed.

"Jacob honey, are you okay?" My mom looked in the rear view mirror at me.

"Yea." I mumbled hiding my face. I wasn't trying to fool her, my mom knew exactly what I was going through at the moment. She knew I wanted to be left alone.


I guess that is what got him, what should've gotten me.

"Jake! Wait up! Don't swim so far without me!" I tried my best shouting to him. The guy really loved the water and I sometimes felt as a set back, when he could be free.

We swam some ways out into the depths to a reef ecosystem, this was life, this was what we loved. We didn't have the right equipment for snorkeling or diving but we did with what we had.

We were only about ten years old but had enough experience that we could hold our breaths for a comfortable 30 seconds.

It was always nice looking at the colours of the reefs, the different vibrant colours of the fish and their sizes.

"Let's dive closer to the reef." Jake said when I swam up to him.

"Okay hold on, let me catch my breath." I forced a smile through my shortened breaths.

We dove as close as we could to the reef, I was enjoying myself but Jake seemed alert about something.

He spun and looked at me frantic, he gave the hand sign for up.

"What's wrong!" I came up sputtering.

"Shut up. Swim." He was breathless, pushing me towards the shore.

I didn't know exactly was happening but I was swimming towards the shore like Jake said. He was right beside me screaming something but I couldn't hear above the splashing of water.

I looked to the shore and saw our moms waving their hands and shouting back at us, it was funny how our moms somehow looked alike.

Something touched my foot, I tried not to freak out anymore than I already was, I brushed off the thought as Jake's foot touching mine.

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