Senator's Son

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"RUN! CHUNGHA! RUN!" A middle-age man on his tuxedo yelled as he pushes the woman whose holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket from being caught by men in black suit. The man pulled his pistol from his back, he needed to protect the escaping woman from them, the baby is precious for him since he's his own child with Chungha.

"Get out of the way, Sir or we will be force to hurt you!" The leader of the black suit men said firmly as they blocked by the middle-age man holding a gun pointing at them.

"Over my dead body!" The middle-age man yelled as he pointed the gun to the leader but before he could've done something stupid, the guards hold him down and throw away the gun from his bare hands, he was pushed on the ground harshly and some of them followed the woman who escaped awhile ago.

"We don't want to hurt you either but if you insist to protect her it must the end of your career, Mr. Choi Tae Sung. We're just following your father's order because the woman was suspected as your mistress and the child must be your and her child." The leader explained made the Senator's son looked down because everything he said were right, he cheated behind his wife's back but he was only force to marry her and besides he didn't love his own wife, all of the marriage thing was all about political relations only between him and his wife's father. He loves Chungha so much but their love for each other destroyed by political ambition of his father, Choi Sunghoon. Tae Sung is the only son of their family and his older sister, Suri died from car accident involving political war of his father against the other party.

"I'm willing to get killed by my father from protecting what is precious for me than to died on his hand doing nothing." Tae Sung said as he forcefully pulled by his father's hunchmen and lead them on their black mercedez back home.

"Tae Sung-ah~ You're not afraid if Mr. Sunghoon killed you by just protecting your woman? For God sake, you already had a wife and a son? Are you hearing yourself now? Are you totally insane? Just forget her already, Chungha is only part of your past!" The leader knocked some sense on his dear friend. He knew everything about Tae Sung's suck life living as a famous senator's son Choi Sunghoon and fell inlove with the country woman named Chungha who lived in Jeonju Province since they're childhood friend, no secrets allowed.

"I don't even love my wife, I love Chungha you know it, Kim Siwan!" Tae Sung said as he already tearing up with anger and sadness for not being there as a father to his own son and a husband to Chungha.

"I also love her, Tae Sung-ah~" The leader Siwan whisper to himself with sadness for being secretly inlove with the same woman, his bestfriend also love.

"How about your son, Sooyoung? He looks up to you as his own hero and role model, he's proud of you being his father that he often boast you infront of his friend and classmates at school, you don't even had a small love for him as well?" Siwan said as he looked straight into his bestfriend's gloomy eyes.

"I know Sooyoung is a brave kind of man and I'm proud of him too." Tae Sung smile as he remember his other son who is turning 8 this year. His father Sunghoon wants his grandson to be involved into politics on his young age since he always follow Sunghoon and his anger always vent into Sooyoung that sometimes he hurt his son using his own hands.

"C-Can I ask you a favor, Siwan?" Tae Sung pleaded as he looked at him.

"Sure you don't have to ask permission, just shoot it out." Siwan as he dialled a number from his phone.

"Can you please take good care of my son with Chungha?" Tae Sung said as he looked away and leaned to the car window watching the view outside their mercedez.

"W-What? Are you kindly telling me to quit my job and just watch over them?" Siwan arched his brow looking at his friend who is now looking outside.

"You're the only person I trusted the most to watch over my Chungha and our son please, I don't want my father to caught and harm them I will not forgive myself if something bad happens to them and I'm dead serious, Siwan-ah." Tae Sung begging him.

"I will secretly send you enough money to support the three of you without my father's knowledge." Tae Sung added as he looked back at his trusted friend who is now thinking deeply.

"But what if Mr. Choi suspected me from a sudden resignation?" Siwan worriedly asked.

"I will handle everything if that's worry you much and besides -------" Tae Sung exhaled deeply before he continue what he was saying and looked deeply into Siwan's eyes.

"It's your once in a lifetime chance to be with Chungha, I know she will be safe with you and be happy with you too." Tae Sung said and smile at him.

"What are you talking about? You're the only one who could make her happy." Siwan defended but Tae Sung embrace him tightly not wanting to see his tears.

"Like what you've told me earlier, I already had a wife and Sooyoung as my own family so it's your chance to have your own as well my friend. I already know before that you had feelings with Chungha but I will forget about my love for her because I know she deserves much better than me and I want it to be you, Kim Siwan." Tae Sung silently cried on his shoulder already wetting his black suit.

"I only want you to be Chungha's man and that's an order, you have no rights to protest, arasso?" Tae Sung pushed back as he smile warmly to his trusted friend as they stopped the black mercedez beside the road.

"Just promise me to protect Chungha and my son from my father whatever it takes, arasso?" Tae Sung childishly held out his pinky finger into Siwan's other one and they made a promise with each other.

"I'll promise."



The President and his personal bodyguard visited the cemetery where Taeyeon's parent buried. He brought a bouquet and Tiffany sends a prayer for them as respect after they went to the Han River.

"Can I ask you something if you don't mind?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon who is silently sweeping the dirt from the tombstone.

"Hmmmm..." Taeyeon simply replied without looking at her.

"What's the cause of your parent's death?" Tiffany asked carefully not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Somebody burn our house down while my parents trapped inside but fortunately my father helped me to get outside before I collapsed from suffocation but the case were too confusing for me until now, how they couldn't managed to escape and I wanted to seek justice for them." Taeyeon said with a firm tone made Tiffany patted his back.

"I'll help you regarding their case." Tiffany promised.

"Thank you but I wanted to do it all by myself, Ms. Hwang." Taeyeon said as he smile back at the latter.

"I understand Kim but if you need a hand I always got your back." The President smile warmly as she adjusted her black hoodie to covered her identity.

"Thank you I didn't even know you had a golden heart inside, Hwang!" Taeyeon joked to lessen the gloomy atmosphere around them.

"YAHHH!!!! YOU'RE RUINING THE MOOD!!!!" Tiffany punched him playfully before they laughed confortably with each other while joking around.

To be continued

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