President's First Love

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"Oh yes, I'll be heading There after I meet Appa, we'll meet then later. Thank you, Senator Park!"

A man on his business suit take off his shades after his flight landed in Incheon, he hang up his call from Senator Park. He used to lived in New Jersey after the Presidential election; Stephanie Hwang defeated him by only 50 votes in the area Jeollado and promise himself that he will make a comeback against the now Lady President. He loves Stephanie before since they have dated for 3 years and broke up after the woman betrayed him behind his back.

"Mr. Choi here!" A man in a black suit waves his signage where Choi Sooyoung was written, everyone knew him as "The Great Senator Choi's son" that he's been forced to run every election since highschool, he's been fed up with this kind of life being a son of a famous senator in South Korea, he's pressured by his father under his strict household and the political blood already runs through their family every generation. As Choi Sooyoung, he couldn't decide for himself always depends with his father's decision so after he loses the election, Mr. Choi got disappointed on him and decided to sent him on States for a long vacation for the preparation on the next election. Now, he must work hard to claim the Presidential seat from Stephanie Hwang, the late Congressman Hwang's only daughter. Sooyoung and Stephanie were childhood bestfriend since there father were close colleagues in law school before and used to be neighbors and afterwards they fell inlove with each other.

"Oh, Kyungho nice to see you again pal!" Sooyoung headlocks the man named KyungHo, his closest dongsaeng and chief secretary.

"You're getting handsome, Mr. Choi I wonder how foreign country affects you after all." Kyung Ho joked before he pushed him away from his grasp playfully, they both laughed hard like a highschool boys catching everyone's attention.

"Oh, c'mon I let you come with me someday when I spend another vacation." Sooyoung joked back before they headed inside their hot blue Chevy Camaro.

"Please drop me on the Han river first before we meet Appa, okay?" Sooyoung ordered when Kyung Ho turned on the engine.

"Oh, okay Sir!"

"Geez, stop with the formalities please!" Sooyoung playfully punched the young man's arm.

"You still don't forget her, right?" Kyung Ho pointed out made Sooyoung's mood turned from cheerful to a sad one as he heard mentioning about her.

"You know how much I loved her that I'm willing to gave up the Presidential position just for her but father didn't want me too." Sooyoung said bitterly.

"I'm sorry for talking about your past love hyung!" Kyung Ho felt guilty after seeing his boss gloomy face.

"Nah, it's alright." Sooyoung patted his back giving him a warm smile again.


"Ahh, this place is still the same." Sooyoung stretches his arms as he breathes the warm breeze from the river.

"I wonder how her face looks now after 3 years, is she's more beautiful than before?" Sooyoung thought as he smile to himself.

"I never thought I will see you visiting the same place again after you left." A familiar husky voice could be heard from behind as he's focused in sighting the beautiful river.

"F-Fany?" Sooyoung's eyes widen as he looked behind him seeing the woman he's been longing and true that she's more beautiful than before.

"Good to see you back." The President said as she put back her hoodie to hide her identity since she loves sneaking outside. She couldn't lie to herself that she's still missing him alot from the day he left without words until they meet again to their secret spot on the Han River park.

"Good to see you again, Ms. Hwang." Sooyoung greeted like they're stranger from each other but his heart beats rapidly just by staring at her beautiful face hidden from the black hoodie. She's been secretly followed by Taeyeon behind whose in-charge as her field bodyguard early morning.

"Did they know each other? The guy looks unharm and they look like friends too but why they're talking away from each other and not even a smile on their face, they look serious?" Taeyeon mutter to himself as he hides himself safely behind the tree not too far from the President's spot.

"Here, I forgot to give this back to you before you left." Tiffany handed their couple ring as she reaches his hand.

"T-Tiffany, you don't-----" Sooyoung has been cut off by the President.

"We don't have to look back from the past again, we must move forward to be able to get what we want to achieve for ourselves, I know you will be back to take away my position as the President so I'm preparing to gave it up for you, I also didn't want it at the first place, you know what I want and need but you make me push myself to take this and now that the next election is just around the corner I'll be waiting for you at the Blue House so I could give what is originally yours, Mr. Choi." Tiffany stated with a heavy heart looking straight into his eyes before she turned her back to him and walked away with tears.

"I promise to take back what is originally mine and I know what I need now is only you, I will win you back again." Sooyoung holds the couple ring on his hand with a strong grip before he turned his back to her as well walking his way into the other way.

"Yah! Yah! Hey! Ms. Hwang wait up!" Taeyeon runs fast as he followed the President who was walking as fast as she can to escape from the pain she's feeling right now after seeing her first love and heartbreak again. She ignore Taeyeon as she doesn't want to see that she's crying and weak infront of her enemy but right now is exception but what surprises the bodyguard is when Tiffany embracing him tightly after she turned to face him but hides her face into his chest silently sobbing.

"Why is she crying? What happen between her and the guy?" Taeyeon asked himself but keeps silent since he doesn't want to interrupt the crying woman on his embrace since he tried to soothe her by gently rubbing her back.

"Ah, eh, Ms. Hwang I think------"

"Please, let me stay in your arms for awhile just let me lend your ears from hearing my painful cries and let's pretend that I'm hugging him right now instead of you, please Taeyeon." Tiffany painfully said made him flinched from the word pretend because he only wants to comfort her as Kim Taeyeon instead of pretending to be someone else, it hurts him as well hearing that someone uses you as a substitute on his place.

"I will always pretend to be someone you wanted just to make you happy, President Hwang." Taeyeon shed tears together with Tiffany and thinking of her painful remarks only as a subsitute to fulfill someone else's place.

To be continued

A/N: I am also a SooFany shipper -_-

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