Behind Closed Doors

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(Insert music background: Set Fire to the Rain by Adele)

"Nice meeting you, Ms. Hwang. I hope I didn't call off any important appointment of yours that I called for an urgent meet up between us, as I was saying I want to offer a business with you." Taeyeon or also known as Erik Simon for a cover-up on his evil plan against Hwang and Choi. He only uses the Jung for his own sake and even promises to take the eldest daughter's hand for marriage for political purposes and building pleasant image aside from gaining popularity.

"Business, huh? Or more like a political business with you behind their backs? Is there something else under your sleeves, Mr. Simon? You're such unpredictable, dealing with your possible rival, eh?" Tiffany stated sarcastically unfolding his true motives about meeting her behind their each parties, Jung and Hwang. She crosses her arms while she uncomfortably settled under his interesting gaze into her. The guy called her out of the blue thru phone without everyone's knowledge, how did Erik knows her personal number, simple he stalks her secretly but the point was the deal he wants to offer.

"You're sharp and sly as I expected from our dear President. As I said I want an alliance behind the Jung and Choi and the possible person fits my expectation is only you. Sorry for such being a stalker I am but I've already do a background check about you but I'm not intended to spill them straightaway when the election was already starting off." Taeyeon smirked that he won this game within him and the woman who was giving him a dejected and disappointed look at the same time, she shifted a little before she lean and whisper something into his ear.

"What if I reject your offer, Mr. Simon?" She whisper and blow some air right into his sensitive part but the man still unmoved and not even shows expression towards her evil seducing.

"Then I don't have any choice but to play a devil's game and seeing how you goes down within my hands without you noticing. You don't even know how I can play with someone else life to make them more miserable like hell, you don't know me and you will have no chance to know me if you wanted." Taeyeon spatted or more like a warning to make her agreed nonethless. Tiffany's instant seducing failed with the guy who seems not to be affected by some sexual intention. What shocked her the most was his bolder move as he wrapped her waist into his arms made her pose unstabled but she immediately composed when she was safely fell into his lap. She sees how his eyes filled something unexplainable hatred but she couldn't point a finger, their gaze met halfway before Taeyeon brushes his lips into hers avoiding to deepen, he teases her.

"I want to play with you, Ms. Hwang and believe me you will enjoy it furtherly at the same time but make sure you'll not fell with me anytime soon because you know its a risky one when we both engaged into someone else." Taeyeon kissed her cheeks gently giving warmth feeling through her spine. Tiffany stayed like a statue into his embrace while the man slowly pushed her away and settled beside him but still in a close proximity.

"Who really are you Erik Simon and how are you related with Kim Taeyeon? Or are you the real him that I never knew what happen in the time of his absence? I want to know who you are behind, what's your real motive within politics that you wanted to deal with me, just so you wait I will pry on you." She thought as she took his lips between her soft and plump lips. They both making inside the empty room with only them knows.


"You wanted to propose to her?" A blonde woman said in surprise as she talking with a tall guy in suit at the Blue House VIP lounge.

"I want to win her back, what I've done before was a mistake and how much I realized I was wrong of leaving her behind, I'm a coward freak so what do you say?" The guy sipped his glass of champage before he stared back at the blonde woman who was teasing him with a playful smirk.

"Now you know how stupid you are when you leave my bestfriend and seeing how devastated she was before. I remember how she drown herself in alcohol throwing away her image as the President because of her lovesick with someone who leave her without a proper goodbye and further explanation of him breaking up." Jessica chuckled a little before she took the glass between her lips, tasting the sweet bitter taste of the old wine, she smiled in satisfaction.

"You're such a pooper ruining a good mood, huh? By the way, how about you and Erik so far? When is the wedding?" Sooyoung fixing his black tie a little and straightened the small crumple on his suit as he stares back at the glowing woman filled with pure happiness.

"Well, Erik is such a sweet guy that fits with my standard. Our wedding will be held in private and only close friends, relatives invited, I prefer a beach wedding but he insisted to be on church instead so we decided to take his side so must be soon, I'll send the invitation sooner." Jessica shows a pure smile from her bliss of being with the man she truly loves that she didn't know and the same man that she loves before. A familiar ringtone of her phone detract them from their private conversation, she loom at the called ID before her lips curved upward, Sooyoung caught the hint.

"Hello, hon?" Taeyeon sweetly called from the other line leaving a huge smile from Jessica's face. Sooyoung smile at his friend as well before he took another sip.

"Yes, hon? Something happen?" She replied but her smile seems not to be faded anytime soon.

"I know I might sound ridiculous but let's get married by tomorrow. I can't even wait a little more to have you, I need you as much as you need me so be my wife already?" Taeyeon said urgently not knowing how the woman almost jumped off from her seat making Sooyoung looked at her warily.

"W-What's with the sudden, hon?" Jessica asked again making sure she wasn't dreaming. She gave Sooyoung a reassuring smile she was fine.

"Oh sorry, okay I won't force you if you don't want to-------" Taeyeon slash Erik Simon stutter but Jessica just cut him off.

"Make me yours and be your Mrs. Simon already." She answered with a hint of happines from her tone. Taeyeon chuckled a little before he replied with the same vibrance.

"I'll wait for you at home, see you later soon-to-be Mrs. Simon." Taeyeon cheered before they both hung up.

"Okay, bye I love you hubby!" Jessica replied back showing her overflowing happiness from her cute actions that Sooyoung notice, he looks at her weirdly but he knows what's going through them already.

"Oh, can't wait calling me like that, okay bye wifey! Love you." Taeyeon bid goodbye and cut the line.

"We'll get married tomorrow." Jessica announces making the guy infront of her almost spilled his drink with eyes widen from surprise.

"We only talked about giving me an invitation but I already got the signal from you already, you both shock me! What an odd couple you were, Sica. Well, congratulations on both of you." Sooyoung chuckled while Jessica almost burst into laughter while giving him a slight squeeze on his hand.

"Make sure you give us a useful present on my wedding day so you started to find one right now." Jessica said made him jolted up immediately from his comfortable position at the black leather couch of the lounge.

"Oh shoot! Your right I must call Tiff to accompany me with the shopping thing." Sooyoung dialled his phone sending a text message through the said latter.

"See you tomorrow then, Sica." Sooyoung wave goodbye through his friend who gave a slight nod as acknowledgment.

"Arasso, goodluck with you as well." Jessica waved back before she fixes her elegant black dress knee-cut grabbing her black Vuitton leather purse and heading back into her Camaro.

To be continued.

A/N: Does TaengSic wedding will happen?

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