Season 1: Finale

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(Insert music background: Elastic Heart by Sia)

"You'll must kill the President quickly before the election starts! We have no enough time left!" Mr. Hong ordered Yoong as they drove through Seongnam hospital.

"We must buy some time boss, I think the Blue House security now surrounded the hospital and all we could do is too standby." Yoong said as he drove the luxurious black camaro.

"I have no time, I must be the representative of our party and the only thing I can do is to kill the Hwang no matter what happen even if you have risk your life." Mr. Hong retorted as he massaging his temple.

"Okay, I will do what can I Do to corner her." Yoong stopped the engine when they already enter Hong's villa.

"Make sure that you'll bring only a good news or else your sister's life will be in danger." Mr. Hong threatened.

"Don't you ever lay a finger to my sister or I'll be the one who will cut your head off with my bare hands." Yoong glares at him before he loaded his gun with bullets and putting a black cap and mask to hide himself.

"I'll assure your sister's safety after you kill Ms. Hwang."

"Just make sure your not call off our deal Mr. Hong." Yoong said before he climbed on the black camaro to head on the Seongnam hospital.

"It's getting more exciting." Mr. Hong dial a number on his phone making a call to someone.

"Do our plan works this time Hong?" A mysterious voice answered from the other line.

"I'll assure you this time around." Mr. Hong smirk before he throws the black King piece on his fireplace.

"Good see you on the election."


"Why is it raining now?? I want to stroll you outside their garden." Tiffany whine at her companion whose watching her cute antics.

"Nah, I already said I'm fine and besides I was just woke up not too long ago, my body was still sore." Taeyeon explain before he put a piece of cut apples on his mouth.

"But the garden was beautiful, I want yoiu to see them!" The President acts cute into her bodyguard who is stifling a laugh, she keeps on insisting him to go together to the garden right after he wokes up awhile ago.

"We still have time, Tiffany." Taeyeon smile at her before he quickly put an apple into her mouth to shut her off.

"YAHHH! YOU WANT ME TO CHOKE?" Tiffany swallow down the big cuts of apple putting inside her mouth.

*cellphone ringing*

"Oh, can you get me my phone at the side table?" Tiffany ordered arrogantly as the phone keeps on ringing.

"Am I your slave?" Taeyeon scoffed but he still grabs the phone and gave to the woman.

"Oh, right okay? See you later." The President hung up after a minute of talking through her phone making Taeyeon boredom strikes as he unaware playing with his finger.

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Shoot!" Taeyeon said without looking back at her as he keeps on playing with his finger.

"Can you take good care by yourself while I'm gone for awhile Yoong wants to meet me." Tiffany fixes her attire grabbing her purse but Taeyeon hold her wrist.

"Can I go with you? It's still not safe outside when you go alone by yourself and it's raining heavily as well I can offer you an umbrella." Taeyeon said in a worried tone as he ready to climbed off the hospital bed.

"Okay, tsk! I didn't know you could be so clingy sometimes Mr. Kim!" Tiffany teases him but he only shrugged and the President offers a hand for him before they headed to the venue.


TaeNy arrives safely at the location nearby the cliff of the mountain where Yoong said but the house seems empty and secluded. They roam around the environment but instead of a happy reunion with Yoong, they were surprise by him as he holds a gun pointing at Tiffany's direction.

"What are you doing Yoong? Put down the gun?" Taeyeon yelled as he blocked Tiffany from the possible shot of the bullet.

"I don't want to hurt you hyung but please don't be a cockblocker." Yoong retorted as he loaded the gun.

"Whose behind this? I can help you out if they threatening you, we can talk it out." Taeyeon trying to calm him but seems useless as he walked forward into them and they backing off leaving a space between him.

"1... 2... 3..."

Before Yoong shoot the President, Taeyeon already tackled him down on the ground and the gun throw somewhere. They've been resisting with each other's strength as both of them rolled over the floor, no one wants to be defeated but unfortunately Yoong had a small knife from his combat boots without Taeyeon's knowledge, he pierce the knife deeply into his stomach making it bleed. Tiffany wanted to help her but she had a phobie with gun and couldn't so nothing but to watch them, Yoong stood up leaving the bodyguard groaning from hell of a pain losing too much blood from his weakened body.

"TIFFANY RUN!!!!" Taeyeon yelled at her but her feet seems to stay rooted at the ground.

"Y-Yoong?" Tiffany said in tears as Yoong was already infront of her.

"Do you have anything to say before you face your judgement?" Yoong said without mercy and show no expressions.

"P-Please l-let me... L-Let me k-kiss him for the last time....." Tiffany whisper at him as she tears up looking at the helpless Taeyeon holding his bleeding stomach as he struggles to get up from his feet.

"As you wish----" Before Yoong turned around he's being tackled by Taeyeon with all his might and both of them clashed to the window cause to break into pieces and they fell on the cliff because of a huge impact and since its raining heavily Tiffany couldn't clearly see them and all she can do was to shout Taeyeon's name from nowhere.

"T-TAEYEON!!" Tiffany helplessly fell on her knees crying under the heavy rain without a traces of him.

"Don't leave me... I love you..." The last words Tiffany said before she passed out under the rain.


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