Yuri Kwon

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"We have a new student today. Please introduce yourself." The teacher called the boy who was shyly waiting outside the classroom and when all the attention focused on him, he sighed and introduced himself.

"Hello everybody, I'm Kwon Yuri." The boy spoke in between his nervous state until one student stood up and spoke.

"Are you the town drunkard's bastard son, YulYul?" The boy said made everyone gasped from fear. Yuri couldn't help but to step aback but their teacher warned everyone to kept silent about bullying him.

"Okay class we will start our lesson and Yuri you can seat beside Kim Taeyeon." The boy at the seat seems zoning out through the window with his palm supporting his chin. Yuri hesitatedly sat beside the silent boy who wasn't aware of his presence.

"Hello?" Yuri offers his little hand infront of Taeyeon's but the boy glared at him and pushed him a little.

"Leave me alone!" Taeyeon yelled made everyone stop at the moment before the teacher called him to stay outside as a punishment.

Everyday Yuri tried his best to befriend the silent boy but failed not once nor twice but so many times that he couldn't believe he was forcing himself into someone who doesn't want company all along but he seems to be a good catch for a friend because Taeyeon was smart and behind his cold attitude he proves he's kind after he helps a student from bullying secretly even an old lady crossing the street. Sometimes the loner boy ate by himself at the rooftop since he's sneaking without him knowing but after the tragic incident between them the friendship Yuri build immediately crushed.

"You're annoying." Taeyeon annoyingly said clearly he wanted some space from him but as a dorky Yul he didn't stop pestering him everyday but because of his usual effort he melted the loner and they became close friends.

"You still love me from being me!" Yuri cheers behind as they walking through their way home when they near into the Kwon residence, they spotted unfamiliar people wearing black suits and seeing a familiar one, Kim Siwan holding a pistol directed into Yuri's mother and shot her to death, the horror scenes shook the both of them before another sound of the gun killed Yuri's younger siblings and his drunk father who already lying flatly on their doorway pooling with own blood..

"Omma! Appa! Yeri! Yoon Sang!" Yuri shouted not too far from them. Siwan's face turned into a pale one when he saw his adopted son, Taeyeon watching the scenes from afar clenching his fist on the strap of his own dookong backpack.

"Taeyeon mianhe, I have to do what they need in order to protect you and your mother. Sunghoon already found us and threatened me so he order me to kill the Kwon Hyun Bin who will stood as a witness and silent blower about the Hwang's case against him in return he will spare us alive." Siwan shrugged the mercy towards the poor family of Kwon and when Yuri stood infront of him in anger, he didn't hesitate to point the gun on his forehead.

"Appa!!!?" Taeyeon yelled behind as he watched how his own father taking  innocent lives by murdering them and his only friend, Yuri.

"Appa? You're Taeng's father? But why did you have to kill my family ahjussi?" Yuri said in between his hard sobs watching his own family murdered by his bestfriend's father was a totally heartbreaking for him to see but hearing no explanations, the grudges within him already building slowly as he punched Siwan's stomach repeatedly but the strength of a little boy was nothing to compared with a grown-up man and as return he got a hard blow into his stomach as well made him unconscious on the ground.

"C'mon we must leave quickly, Taeng hop on I'll explain everything after we leave the town tonight." Siwan forcefully pulled his son inside the black Mercedez.

"Mianhe Yuri." Taeyeon looking remorsefully towards his unconscious friend as he stares at their couple bracelet Yuri gave at his birthday, a sign of newly found friendship. The boy hopped inside the black Mercedez and quickly leave the residence.

"T-Taeyeon, I-I p-promise infront of my family's dead body I seek justice and we will see each other in hell!!!" Yuri whispered with blood in the corner of his lips as he clenches his fist before he completely passed out.


"Seeing a beautiful woman alone in the cold was too much painful in my eyes. You wanted or not, take my jacket you must be freezing here for a long time." Yuri put his jacket into Tiffany's cold shoulder and leaving no choice she took it as gratitude.

"Thanks, Mr. Kwon." The woman said since she's working together with him for years but they never had a private conversation aside from political views of their party.

"What's your relation with Erik Simon seems like you knew each other well for not taking Team leader's offer?" Yuri spoke honestly as he stares at the starry sky.

"I totally agreed of his political vision for our country that made me moved." Tiffany answered shortly as she also stares at the beautiful nightsky.

"Don't be fool by someone else flowery words or you'll regret them later on, I know Sievers as well as much as you know him." Yuri hinted made the woman beside her puzzled.

"We're close friends back then but not everyone knows but I think he totally forget about me because of his politic ambitions." He added as he stares back at Tiffany's glistening eyes.

"Women's tears are the most precious thing I barely wanted to see because that means they always hurt and I hate to see how I'm longing for my mother's tears because she died along time ago." Yuri opened up bringing tears for him but he held back not wanting to embarrassed himself infront of a beautiful lady.

"You can use my shoulder if you want I won't mind sharing them with you." Yuri said sweetly before he uses his thumb to wipe her tears away and some comforting words to ease the pain from Tiffany's chest.

"I missed him so much." Tiffany whisper in between tears as she buried her wet cheeks into his shoulder.

"You miss who?" He asked.

"Kim Taeyeon." She answered from heart made Yuri's eyes widen because she involves with the person he hated the most.

To be continued

A/N: New ship again? Yulti is coming ^^

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