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Medias, supporters and politicians were all set at the Seoul City Circle waiting for the official announcement of the new Republic President of South Korea including Kwon Yuri, Mr. Jin Hong, Erik Sievers and Hwang Tiffany who were sitting beside each other at the stage. People of SoKor cheering their bets, loud noises can be heard but nonetheless they're still waiting patiently for how everyone's life changes. Nervousness was written all over Tiffany's face but Taeyeon seems unfazed and cold or rather expressionless as he stares blankly at the screen nearby the stage where the result will finally announce fairly, no one will dare to cheat because they believe it will be against the heaven's law, old sayings of their traditions.

"Don't be nervous it will be over soon." Yuri comforted the uneasy woman beside her, he looked over and see Taeyeon who didn't look on their direction, he already knew about the talk between him and Tiffany, today everything will change.

"I must win." He heard Tiffany said while looking seriously at the screen but before he broke off her thoughts, they heard the voice of the announcer and the result will finally come out any minute in time.

"People of South Korea let's all raise for our new elected President Mr. Erik Kim-Sievers and Vice President Jin Hong!" Everyone cheered including Mr. Hong who excitedly embracing his board members but Taeyeon who was still looked unhappy regarding the result, Tiffany wonders when she looks at h but before she could offer a congratulatory handshake, Yuri who was beside her withdraw a pistol hidden behind him and pointed at Taeyeon.


"FUCK TIFFANY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" Yuri's scream woke Taeyeon up from his reverie and saw the woman she loves lying on the floor pooling with her own blood, everyone create stampede and a chaotic scene could be seen at the Seoul City Circle, all the securities were alarmed but Yuri continue to point his gun, this time infront of Taeyeon's face without hesitation he pulled the trigger but what happens next surprises the witnessess.


Two loud gunshots coming from different directions, Taeyeon has been shot on his right shoulder while Yuri kneel on the ground but with blreding head probably a head shot from Mr. Kim Tae Sung's private security guard. Taeyeon immediately jumped from his spot into Tiffany's side, the helpless woman has been shot at her stomach. He lift her into his arms while whispering on her ears to stay awake for him not wanting her to sleep right away until the bulance arrive, Yuri was carried by Tae Sung's squad followed by the Blue House bodyguard securing the place for possible assassinations happens awhile ago.

"F-Fany! Don't die on meee! Jaebal!" He tried to wake up the woman with one-eye open while smiling back at him. He knew that the assassination will happen today so he kept his eyes everywhere so he could see where the terrorist might hidden but didn't expect it was Kwon Yuri, not too long ago he remember about his childhood friend but not mentioning his name all over again so he could focused on the election, they successfully caught everyone's sympathy because of his good intentions and forgettimg about revenge because Jessica's words knocked some sense on him and especially he realized his love towards Tiffany and fearing of admitting to himself.

"T-Tae? Is t-that really y-you?" Tiffany finally spoke holding her bleeding stomach leaning her head into Taeyeon's chest to check his heartbeat. She smile and reaching his face by her soft yet cold hand, Taeyekn felt the touch and lean into them as he cried hard holding the woman she loves the most, the scene of losing someone again made his heart crushed.

"D-Don't w-waste y-your energy in talking, you'll survive, you idiot!" Tiffany showing her eyesmile from what she heard, her heart was at ease when Taeyeon place a soft kiss into her lips tasting the rust taste of blood, they still savoring the sweet moment of the both of them.

"I'm sorry Tae but I think we lost our baby." Tiffany tear up as she caressed her bleeding stomach but Taeyeon already knew about her pregnancy because his hunchman tells him all about her whereabouts.

"We couldn't help it but please just stay with me or else I will lose my sanity if you keep on being dramatic here!" Taeyeon scoffed as he hold Tiffany tightly on his arms made the woman chuckle to herself coughing a blood from her mouth, she toghtly gripped on his already stained black suit.

"Thank God I win." Tiffany whisper enough to heard by him, he looked at her pale face when said it.

"W-What a-are y-you talking about?" Taeyeon asked made Tiffany cupped his face and forcing her lips to reach his soft one.

"I'm glad I win your heart back, Tae." She warmly smile before she slowly closed her eyes but her cold hands stayed into his cheeks with flooding tears.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME!!!" Taeyeon used his energy to shook her awake but turns into a waste when Tiffany carried on the stretcher by the paramedics and brought into the nearby Seoul hospital.


To be continued.

A/N: Next chapter will be the last.

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