Chapter 3

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(A/N: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! And -oh, crap- did you see Poods uploaded a video collab with Jack?? I'm sorry. But I couldn't get myself to see it... AND Mark is doing a live stream! So it's okay! ┐('')┌


I pulled the door open, staring nervously at my feets. Feeling the Deltas hard stare at me, he stopped brat up. I looked up trying not to appear weak. His teeth clenched together and fist nearly getting white. A deep groan from him was so hearable, that it made me jump a little.

He walked over to me, with heavy footsteps. "Like you haven't been disobedient enough..." He growled. He stopped right in front of me, raising his hand. In the moment before the hand hit my chin. I realised that this place was even worse than my others. Then the hand slammed hard and fast down on my chin.

I yelped out in pain and fell to the floor. Him looking down on me, smirking psychopathic. I slightly got up from the floor, with my chin burning from the hit. My legs were wobbly, so I stood with shaking legs. Trying to find the incourage to look him in the eyes, but none were left. Out of nothing, he gripped my chin, forcing me to look at him. His eyes now lightning with anger. Out of shock, I started apologising: "I-i'm sorry! I didn-" My sentence was cut short with his other hand gripping my neck.

He lifted me above the ground, making me feel all pity and small. The Delta then started walking small steps towards the nearest wall, still holding me by the neck. All my air was cut short and my breathing was stopped completely.

With all his might he pushed me harshly against the wall. I felt the last oxygen from lungs getting pushed out. Sloppy hits from me trying to get myself loose. Eyes of anger and the same slightly fucked up smile, plastered on his -close to- sweaty face.

"Did I fucking say you could stand, Omega?" Spitting out the last word. I tried opening my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Desperately trying to get loose, but failing to his strength. Slowly my vision got blurry and my eyes rolled in the back. My face probably blue by now.

Another hit came from him but this time in my stomach. Repeatedly hits in my stomach, before I felt myself getting lightheaded and starting to fade out. "Didn't think so...-" he said in the deepest and scariest voice yet heard from him.
He then threw me on the floor. And looked at me still like a psychopath. I started coughing really bad, breathing in and out like it was the only thing that mattered. "And baby," he said kneeling down to me. I was holding me throat, protecting it from whatever next bullshit that was about to come out of his mouth, "here's the grocery list." He smiled, pulling a piece of paper, from his pocket. He then placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek, as a sign of my defeat. "Come back before tomorrow, would'ya?" The little disgusting kiss made me feel like a sadist victim. But out of fear I responded politely: "Y-yes... y-yes-sir..."
The dominant Delta stood above before I received a harsh kick to my stomach. The pain was enough to send me over the edge and out of my mouth I spat out blood. "Pathetic..." he said, hovering above proudly, "just pathetic.." he finished and walked off. Leaving me to be curling up in a ball.
Not to forget the sly pain in my bottom from the night before.
'I have always hated the word. 'Omega' It's so submissive sounding. Making me 'his servant'. All I wanted was to take a nice walk in the afternoons cold wind. Feeling the rain falling to the grass and the wind hitting my face. Never to expect ending in the 'slave business'. Even though I came from a poor family, all omegas. I never would have expected this.'
With trouble I got up from the blood splattered floor. Next to me the grocery list was. When I bowed down to take it, small drops of blood hit the floor. Blood from my mouth. I got the paper, but the next thing hitting the ground was tears. Now standing straight up, I spat out the remaining blood from my mouth and dried the tears of my chin. I gathered the last strength, pride and bravery and walked out of the hallway, like nothing happened.
(A/N: that was literally all about Jack getting beat up. I'm sorry! ;_;)

I gripped my thin jacket and put on my shoes. I flung the door open and hurried out. Just before I stepped out a strong grip was holding my arm. Turning around I saw Daniel standing there in the door, with an serious expression on his face. I stopped up, relaxing my tensed muscles. Daniel still holding on to me, was staring deeply into me eyes. "U-um, y-yes?" I stuttered, still felling my cheek sting. He pulled me closer until his way more tunes chest hit my fragile chest. Daniel gripped me tightly and pulled me into a hug. I had always thought of him as a caring person, so when he let go of me, he had a comforting yet worried expression on. He rested his hands on my shoulders: "I just thought that this could be the last time I would see you...," he was definitely being serious, "I know what is' like being down in th' city. I usually had to do it in th' evening. Where shadows are everywhere an' nasty people. I am not Omega. And it is not heating time for me neither. I survived... luckily. Not tu' scare you, honey. But there's sum' people out there thinking with their 'other head', if you get me, hon. Just... just be careful." He finish off. His little speech got me worked up, and I started re-consider my choice of going. Feeling every bravery disappear, being replaced with fear. But I didn't want to start a scene where I break into tears and he'd have take my chore. So I kept my mouth closed. Afraid of saying my true feelings about the whole scenario. So instead I blushed of his concerning words and answered as untruth-fully: "I'll be f-fine. But thanks for the warning, tough..." i tried smiling as believable as possible. "Good," he pulled me into another quick hug and let go of my shoulders, "but maybe go check with a doctor... you got punched pretty hard." I knew I had either seen it or heard. My beating. But it has become normal by now. "Y-yeh..." I turned and started walking out of the porch. A slight feeling of being Little Red Riding Hood going of in the woods. In the fear of the Big Bad Wolf. Behind me I heard a Daniel yell to me: "Hey! I was serious about you getting fucked hard in the ass!!" He laughed and caused me to giggle.
'Well off I go!'

Alpha and Omega - Septiplier: Power GameWhere stories live. Discover now