Chapter 1: You Were Dead

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Bellamys P.O.V

I left her there...alone. She died alone. That's all I can think about these days. It's been over 6 years and it still hurts.

Raven says the ring should be ready to go soon. We can go back down to earth. I can see O again...if she's still alive. Who knows what could have happened in there.

I'm sitting in a cell...what used to be Clarke's cell, just thinking about all of these things when Harper knocks on the metal door. "Raven says to start to pack only essential stuff, also look through some of the rooms."

"Ok thanks." I tell her sitting up. Harper can tell something is wrong with me. I'm not very good at hiding emotions anymore.

"Thinking about her again?" She asks me sitting down next to me.

"Yeah...that's all I think about." I say as I graze the bed.

"It wasn't your fault you know, we all left her behind." She says to me looking down at the floor of the bed.

"Like that makes it any better." I reply "We are going back down, and she isn't there. And I don't even know if my sister is ok."

"Hey don't say that. Octavia is fine, she can take care of herself. She isn't a girl anymore."

"Yeah, I guess so." I say getting off of the bed. "Thanks, I'll take the room with all that electronic junk in it."

"Aren't you going to go eat?" She asks. "It's algae, everyone's favorite. Oh.. what I wouldn't give to get some meat around here." Harper says while stretching her arms.

This makes me chuckle a little. Harper can always try to find a way to make me laugh at least a little. Funny, that used to be Jasper's job...

I walk into the room and see a crap tone of electronic crap. There are radios, walkies, computers, stuff like that. I don't know exactly what we will need back on earth, probably a lot of things considering the planet is practically nothing now .

I grab a bag and start putting whatever the heck works into it. It's quiet so I become lost in my thoughts. 6 years. We were supposed to go down last year, but it just wasn't ready. Raven has been working so hard to try to get us back down. Once she slept in for 14 hours straight because all she does is work.

Everyone is so excited about going back, even echo. It feels like when we first got into the ring we were all so happy, but all I could think about was how Clarke should have been here with us. If only I could've...."it's been 6 years and 7 days since praimfaya." I know that voice!

I drop my bag and run to where the voice is coming from. It's the radio. I must be going insane without her, I thought I heard..."i miss you guys." I don't believe it. She's alive. I fall down next to the radio that's on the floor. "I'll update you guys later, Madi is still sleeping. I don't even know why I still do these maybe it's to keep me sane. I miss you Bellamy so much."

I grab the radio with my hands shaking. "Clarke!! Can you hear me! Clarke!" it's no use. I can hear her but I can't talk to her. "Dammit!" I'm so sorry Clarke.

The others must have heard me yelling because all of them came in. "What the hell happened!" Raven yells.

"It's-it's Clarke." I say still shaking.

"Boy Bellamy you sure have lost it." I hear Murphy say.

"No the radio!" I say standing up now. Tears in my eyes. "She's alive!"

Raven looks concerned but she made her way past me and over to the radio. I don't know what she did, but she rewinded it and Clarke's voice was piercing through the radio again. It was the same parts that I heard. The same voice...

I look at all of them and raven looks back at me. Eyes wide. "She's alive." I hear raven say.


Hey you!! Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you liked it!!! Or don't, I can't force you.

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