Chapter 12: Together

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Bellamy's POV

"Everyone please report to the back. There's been a...gas leak." Ravens voice echoes throughout the whole ship. That's the signal.

I manage to take out a guard that was patrolling and so I have a gun. The rest of our group is hiding out until raven can get the door open. Now all I need to do it find Clarke.

Where could she be? I think to myself. When the guards took her, she was being dragged to the right of the door, so I guess I'll start moving right.

I hear footsteps, that's probably some guards going to the back like raven instructed. I have to move fast. But where the hell is she?

"Did you hear about the girl Vinson is interrogating?" Two men are walking around the corner. I take cover and listen more. Clarke?

"Yeah." The other guard replies. "I feel bad for her, that dude was a serial killer ya know? I hear most of his victims were women too. Who knows what he's gonna do to that blonde chick."

My heart sinks. I have to get to her. Once they pass the corner I put a gun to one of their heads. "Where is she being kept?" The other guard reaches for their gun. "Don't. Even. Think about it." I say. "Where is the girl with Vinson?"

He looks at me knowing that there's no point. "At the end of the hallway." He says while raising both his hand up. He gestures to the other guard to do the same.

"Thanks." I take the butt of my gun and hit them across the face. One at a time. They fall to the floor and I move them out of the hallway and into a side closet.

I make my way to the end of the hallway. By now, all the guards seem to have cleared out. Thank you Raven. By now my friends should be waiting for me to get Clarke so that they can open the door. I'd say I have about less than 10 minuets before I told them to leave without us.

I'm at the door now, and I put my ear up against it to see if I can hear Clarke...silence...until- " AHHHHHH" it's Clarke. I take my gun and slam open the medal door.

I think I'm going to be sick. Clarke's strapped to a chair...covered in blood. She has cuts all along her arms...her shirt is up slightly and I can see more cuts...rage builds up inside of me. There's a man beside her. He's holding a knife...his mouth is covered in blood. What did he do to her?

Something inside me snaps. I take the butt of my gun and charge to the man. He body slams me to the ground. I can feel my back pop. He's trying to choke me, but I hit him across the face with my gun. Blood begins to pour from the side of his head. I get on top of him and punch him. (Space taught me a few things)

"Bellamy..." her voice snaps me out of my trance. I look at the man who hurt Clarke...he's out cold. I slowly get off of him. "Bell-" I immediately go to Clarke.

"What did he do to you?" I say crouching down. I'm about to kill him.

"Madi..." She chokes out.

I whisper now, trying to untie the rope that traps her to the chair. "Who's Madi?" I ask. I'm careful not to touch her scratches from the...interview...but there are so many. That's when I find the wound under her shirt...that son of a bitch was trying to eat her or something.

"Protect Madi...I found her after you...after I woke up..." there's more people? I think to myself. Then again, we didn't know that there were more people in space.

I untangle the knot in the rope. "You don't have to tell me that, cause you can take care of her yourself once we get out of here...together." I say this as i take off my jacket. I tie it around her waist to stop the bleeding.

"Together..." She winces as I assist her in getting up. There's no way I'm letting her walk. We have to hurry.

I pick Clarke up and as soon as I do, her eyes close. She's asleep. We need a doctor...we need Abby...

The distraction should be apparent by now. I carry Clarke all the way to the control room. Not one guard came by. Thank you Raven. We meet up with everyone.

"What the hell happened?" It's girlfriend Echo. She sees the distress in my face.

"She was tortured...she didn't break." I look at her. The way I used to 6 years ago. "We have to get her to Madi now!"

"Who the hell is Madi?" Murphy asks.

"I'll explain on the way. Let's go."

"Go where? We don't know what earth is like now." Emori states.

"The...bunker." Clarke flutters awake only for a moment.

"Clarke stay with me." I say as I hold her in my arms. We're making our way out of the ship. Raven got the door open.

" bunker..." She fades out. I begin to run.

"She's loosing too much blood!" I yell as we run through the woods. We managed to make it out just in time. "The bunker isn't too far. Let's go!" I look at Clarke. I'm mad at what they did to her. I'm mad at them and at myself for leaving her here all these years. "Hang in there."

I feel a pair of eyes on me. It's Echo staring at us. Clarke in my arms. I don't have time to look back at her, all of my attention is on Clarke.

"Together..." I whisper as we make our way to the bunker.


With season 5 ending I am going to finish up this fic soon and work on another one for the next hiatus. The two will be unrelated to each other. And will be considered two separate fics. This one takes place right after season 4, the next one will take place right after season 5

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