Chapter 4: I see you

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Clarke's POV

"Never mind...I see you." I say into the radio. I go to the rover and wake up Madi.

"No training today." She whines as she tries to go back to sleep. She so stubborn...I wonder why. I smile to myself.

"No training." I say. "They're here." I've told her stories about all of me and my friends adventures. Her favorite, besides me of course, is Bellamy. She has good taste. Madi then leaps out of the River and stands on the edge to get a better look.

"I thought your ship was smaller." She says. Confused I go over and she points to the ship. My heart drops...that's not my friends.

"Wrong ship. Go to the rover and drive it to the bunker. Do you remember what I told you about the bunker?" I say

"You said you haven't had contact with them in years."

"That's right, but it's far from here. On the way there get water. You know how to hunt. If you can, knock on it and see if anyone answers. If they don't you go into the woods and hide. Hide the rover and get in ok?" I tell her. I've thought about this a lot if we were ever in some sort of danger. Who knew I would have to use this so soon.

I give her a hug and she gets in and drives away. "Good girl." I whisper to myself. The ship is still coming down. It looks like it will land pretty close to me. I go into a little of what's left of the woods. As I watch the ship land from a distance. It says prisoner how we first got here...I start to wonder if I'll ever see them again.

"Maybe they can be approached peacefully." I tell myself. The ship is only about 100 feet from me. But it's still. And quiet. It's like the slightest sound could cause a nuclear disaster. Too soon? I thought so.

The door opens. Two men in black, dark clothing come out. They have gas masks on. They probably are unsure whether or not it's safe down here. I have to think. If they get me, they will most likely question me. But what if they can be negotiated with? I think it's best not to test that just yet.

They landed on my turf. The only spot of green left on the planet...probably. The men aren't exactly doing much. Just looking around. I decide to take a couple steps back. They seem to be coming closer to me.

I put my rifle around my back and begin inching backwards very slowly. Snap. The men snap their heads toward me. I close my eyes. "Dammit." I stepped on a stick. They begin charging towards me and I run.

I keep running through the woods until eventually it looks like I've lost them. Until one of them comes from one direction, this time slowly. And another come from the opposite direction. "I just want to talk. I'm sure there's a peaceful resolution. " I say. Turning my head both ways.

"Don't worry, we'll talk all you want. In fact we have some questions for you. But there will be no peace where we come from sweetheart." The other grabs me from behind while the other starts walking to me. I kick him in his...area. He bends over in pain. "Do it." He says to the man holding me.

I feel a sharp pain in my neck. Bastards, they drugged me. The one holding me picks me up right before I pass out.

OVER 300 READS!!! Thank you sooo much. I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am writing it!!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve. Thank you!!

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