Chapter 13: What You're Fighting For

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Bellamy's POV

We run for what seems like an hour, but we know it's less because we know exactly where the bunker is.

We finally make it. The bunker is covered in rubble. There's no way we can get in there. To Abby, to my sister...

"What the hell is that?" Murphy points to something.

"It's the rover, dumbass." Raven says.

"I know it's the rover smartass, but who the hell is driving?"

I look at Clarke, her face is going pale. I think my jacket stopped her wounds bleeding. For now at least. Then I remember Madi...

"Madi, it has to be Madi." On our way here, I told the others about the girl Clarke had found when we...when I left her.

"Don't move." A girl comes out from behind the rover holding a rifle.

"Are you Madi?" I ask frantically. She sees Clarke and then looks up at me, immediately knowing who I am.

"Bellamy?" She lowers her gun and looks at Clarke. "Bring her to the rover." She says.

Madi opens the back of the rover and I set Clarke down. She's still unconscious. "This is Madi?" Harper asks.

"She's just a kid." Monty finishes. Madi just gives them a glare before focusing back to Clarke.

"I may be a kid." She States, taking my jacket off of Clarke's waist, "but Clarke taught me a few things while we were down here alone for so long."

A wave of guilt washes over me. I didn't even get to apologize to her. I thought she was dead for years. If she dies now...Echo can see my worry and puts her hand on my shoulder for reassurance that everything is gonna be ok.

Echo and I started dating in space, now I'll admit, it took me at least a year to forgive her for everything. But she was there for me. She's good for me.

My attention goes back to Clarke in the rover. She's covered with blood. "How the hell did this even happen?" Raven asks. Madi is completely focused, Clarke must have taught her a few things.

"She was tortured..." everyone falls silent and even Madi pauses on Clarke for a minute. I look at Madi and then Clarke. "That psychopath was trying to eat her alive or something."

Madi got angry. But she knows what she has to do, so she doesn't let it get in the way of Clarke. "When I first found Clarke here, I set a bear trap on her."

"Atta girl." Murphy snickers. Emori gives him the death stare and he quickly shuts up.

"After that, she managed to heal herself up. Some time later I asked her about it and she started teaching me basic stuff. There we go." She looks up at us. "Turn around." I look at Raven wondering why she didn't tell the girls to turn around.

Madi rolls her eyes. "I have to stitch up the wound. To do that I have to lift her shirt up. She looks directly at me. Now turn around."

Murphy, Monty and I obey until she gives the all clear to look. When she did we all looked back. I was the last one to look because I was scared of what I was going to see.

She looked better surprisingly. Her wound was stitched up and covered in bandages. I was relieved...until... "that won't hold it long. I ran out of thread and we don't have pain killers. When she wakes up...she's going to be in a lot of pain..." Madi looks at me. As if hoping I would say something to make it better...but I got nothing.

"What do we have to do?" Surprisingly Echo is the one to ask that. She glances at me. She knows how worried I am.

"We need Abby. We need the bunker open." Madi doesn't like the idea but we have no choice. "We need them to help us."

"You want us to help the people who did this to Clarke?" Murphy asks.

"If it means saving her, then yes." Emori practically yells back at him. We all fall silent. We know what we have to do.

"I'll go." It's Echo again. I'll go to plead with them. I'll tell that about the valley and maybe that will be enough for them to help us. I'll tell them about the bunker and the people in it too. That should be enough. It has to be."

"Absolutely not." I say. "How do you know they won't just kill you when you get there?"

"I don't, but what other choice do we have?" Its silent for a solid minute before Murphy speaks.

"I'm going too." Emori is taken back by his response. "We need a group if we want to be a force to be reckoned with."

"If that's the case, I'm in." Raven steps forward and so does Emori. Emori doesn't say anything though. She's just looking at Murphy in shock. I guess she didnt think that John had it in him.

I look back at Echo, and then at Madi. Finally at Clarke. "All right." I say. "I'll stay here. We probably shouldn't send a bigger group than that. And...Clarke's gonna need support when she wakes up..."

"Ain't that the truth." Madi utters.

"Let's get going." Raven says. "It's time to repay Clarke for what she did for us."

We say our goodbyes and they head off to plead. Hopefully it all goes according to plan.

I'm sitting in the rover with Madi and Clarke. Harper and Monty are trying to get a fire going while we wait. The valley is a little always from here, but thankfully Madi and Clarke had some food in the rover.

"It's not your fault you know." Madi suddenly starts to talk. "She doesn't blame you. She knows you did what you had to."

I smile at her. She reminds me so much of Clarke. "It doesn't excuse the fact that I left her to die." I look down at Clarke. "I won't do that to her again."

Clarke starts to shift on her sleep. "Oh boy." Madi says." She looks directly at me. "Listen, SHES going to be in a lot of pain. She needs support to keep her from collapsing again. I need you to be prepared." I don't think twice before calling Monty and Harper back to the rover for more support.

"Here we go" Madi says. Clarke flutters awake.

"Bell-" she cuts herself off. She looks down at her wound. She's fully aware now. "What the hell." It finally hits her. She begins to scream in pain.

Madi looks at me. "It's ok." I say taking her hand. Monty and Harper are at Clarke's feet, leaving over to let her know that they're there for her. Madi looks at Clarke and takes her other hand.

"You're going to get help." Madi says. "But you need to wait. The pain will get better soon."

I feel like my hands gonna fall off over how hard she's squeezing it, but I don't care. "You're going to be ok." I say before almost starting to cry. She looks at me and her screaming goes down. She's concealing her screams which causes her to start to cry. It's not an ugly cry, but she's in so much pain.

"Hey hey hey." I say. "Look at me. You're strong, you're a fighter. You will get through this. Remember what you're fighting for."

She looks around and sees everyone. Tears still streaming down her face. It breaks my heart to see her this way. "Please don't leave me." She whispers...

Monty looks at Harper and then at me. Their hands are on Clarke's knee to reassure her that they aren't going anywhere.

Her eyes are glued on me. Madis are too. "Never again..." I squeeze her hand.

Sorrrryyyy for the long chapter but I didn't want to break this chapter up so this is what you get haha. Hope you like it and please read my "Where the story is going" update. It tells you important info about this fic.

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