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The next day...

"Hey man!" Shit! Nope. Im still a fucking coward. Turns out I'm still not able to really talk to him fave to face. I was sitting in class, in the farthest back corner like usual, when he had cornered me. I tried to ignore him but it wasn't working. "I....i didn't see you at the party last night. What happened?" He asked. I need an excuse to leave but....shit! I don't see one.

"i uh....I uh...." I stammered, clearly at a lost for words. I was stuck. I had no way of getting out of this conversation. he pouted. "well....I guess you must have been busy with whatever. cant be helped, right?" he shrugged. he just walked away.

for some reason I felt....disappointed. disappointed at my cowardice, the situation, but most of disappointed at myself. its starting to get to me. especially just thinking back to just last night when he had told me so many secrets. so many things that he had behind closed doors. I mean come on! what the hell is wrong with me?

I thought about it my whole way through classes. even in the ones I shared with him, i could feel an awkward tension between us. its because of all the things that i should say to him. the crush, the admiration, not to what the true identity of 'bandgeek' is. i mean...what would he say if he had found out that it was really me behind that screen name? he'd probably be creeped out. sure he is gay but...well ive looked in the mirror and I'm definitely no model. far from it, in fact.

so i sighed. it was after class for the day. i had taken a detour by the football field, hoping to catch a glimpse of him practicing. i did. he was jogging across the field with a ball in his hand, a bright smile on his face. he seemed to be having fun.

next thing i knew, i was leaning over the rail cheering him on. it was only a mock game but it was getting pretty heated. it was down to the last play. just a few minutes before the end of the game. the stadium staff were testing out the scoreboard so they were treating it like a real game. game was tied, 12 -12. the only team i cared about was the one that kiba was on and they were on the offence.

and.......SCORE!! kiba came in with the winning touchdown. i was hyped. that was some good stuff. when they had gathered for their ending huddle, i made my way to a nearby pizza shop to enjoy some dinner. i didn't order much. a small pizza, cheese sticks, and a 2 liter soda. no, i didn't intend on eating it all tonight. I'm not a fat ass. i took a seat, surfing my phone as i enjoyed my pizza.

it was when i had heard some commotion outside, i noticed the time. it was late. i didn't even realize how long i had been here. the football team, ironically, started filing in. they were pretty loud, moving about and ordering. the took up the tables around me. i gathered up my things, finishing off the slice, before getting ready to go. "...fancy seeing you here," i looked up, immediately regretting it. all the blood in my body rushed to my face. "...hey," was all i could really get out. i stood up and quickly made my way out the door. "....hey! you forgot your pizza!" i smacked myself in forehead as i heard the patter of footsteps. i turned around, revealing my crush running up to meet me, the box in his hand.

i took it from him, muttering a thanks. i was about to turn and walk away when i felt him grab my shoulder. i turned around, the blood not having left my face. "so....." he scratched his head nervously,"...i heard from a few buddies of mines that you know, pretty smart and all. i was wondering and....would you mind....studying with me?" he asked.

literally everything in my body felt like i would explode. i had never wanted to disappear more than in my life. he waited patiently, kicking a rock around with his shoe. i let out a deep breath. you can do this. go out on a limb here. you will never know what will happen in the future if you don't take that leap.

Grotesque Yaoi One Shots (Seme Male Reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now