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Reader x Bulat (Akame ga kill)

ive learned alot over my travels. after being cooped up at the temple pretty much all my life, everything seemed so new and innovative. the temple had been around for many years now. its where i grew up, learning everything from how to cook and clean to how to defend myself against danger beasts. how did a humble ex-monk do that? you might ask. well.....while i didnt pay attention to alot of what they said, 90% of it being some bull shit about 'peace in the middle east' and what not, the one thing that i really paid attention to was the special techniques they taught. i was taught the art of qigong from a very young age and, unlike many of my peers, i was a natural. when they said 'control your breathing' i did so, the results of which was a shockwave that blew all the other kids away. i had immeasurable healing power and i had mastered the martial art before i turned ten. 

long story short: i was able to beat my masters before i turned 11.

when i turned 18, i said good ridance to the old geezers. they treated and taught me well but i just couldnt live any longer up in the himalayas. so.....with a long good bye, they helped me get packed for the trip. the himalayas were cold so they gave me extra loose fitting clothing, a bit of food, and they sent me off. 

getting out of the mountain range was easy. despite the high level danger beasts, i got out without a scratch. turns out they cant really handle the flow. the first town i went to, i ran into some burglars. i took care of them and the residents gave me more suitable clothes. i turned away the armor they offered though. they didnt understand when i told them that it inhibits the flow of chi. nonetheless, they gave me some pants that were a little thicker than my old robes, something called 'jogging pants', and a thicker shirt called a 'tee shirt'. i kept my over robe. the kids teased me, calling me some kinda super hero because it was like a cape. 

anyway, the fed and clothed me and sent me on my way. along my travels, i heard about a huge place called 'the capital'. i asked how i could go about earning money to trade and they suggested me joining the military there. 'with your skills, you could be a captain or even a general!' the old guys spat proudly when i slayed the bear attacking their village. 

they pointed me in the right direction and i headed there. not even three days later, i walked through the front gate. i asked one of its guards which way to sign up for the military and followed the directions to a back alley with an old wooden door. i walked inside. 

"fill out this form and turn it in when you are done," said the guy. i looked it over. i raised a brow. "i was told that with my skills, id be able to start out as a captain!" i wasnt exactly sure what they meant by 'private' but everything about it seemed insulting. "what? everyone starts as a private. what makes you so special?" the older man seemed upset. "the things i know about how chi flows through the world, the technique that was born from it. im sure that i could take your position and do it many times better than you could," i wont lie: i was boasting. 

needless to say, they kicked me out. 

after that failure, i took to wandering the streets. "hey, cutie. how about ya buy a girl a drink?" i was surprised when a stranger had thrown her arm over my shoulder out of nowhere. i had wandered into what looked like a bazaar where there were people all around. i looked at her, clearly confused. she chuckled. "come on," she took my hand and pulled me away. 

the woman wove through some people and stalls that littered the walk way, leading me into what looked to be a place where you could purchase food. i had visited a few places in my travels and learned of the simple mechanics of how this place works. you order them to make you food, they bring it, you enjoy it, and then you give them money. 

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