let's cheer to this.

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 This Is My Life

I've Got It All

Right In Front Of Me

I Won't Let It Go

There's No Way

This Is Our Time

Don't Slip Away

Don't Slip Away

Let's Cheer To This ~ Sleeping With Sirens


Luke's POV

I don't know what came over me, but I basically attacked Ashton into a hug. I felt him tense under my arms. That honestly almost broke my heart. If someone hugged me, I would hug back with no hesitation, but Ashton was very hesitant. I could feel his ribs dig into my stomach, and that actually did break my heart. Why would such a beautiful boy like Ashton starve himself?

"What made you want to join?" Michael asked him. He just shrugged.

"Well, enter, my good sir." Calum joked. Ashton gave a small smile, which was obviously fake. He came inside, most likely enjoying the warmth. He certainly couldn't stay in soaked clothes, so I offered him to borrow some of mine, which he accepted. Of course, he wanted to deny, but I insisted. I handed him a white t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. His eyes widened at my choice.

"D-do you happen to have a long-sleeved shirt I could wear? It's a b-bit chilly in here." He asked me, stuttering a bit. It was kind of adorable. But his reason was bullshit. This house feels like it's ninety degrees.

"Are you sure? It feels like it's ninety degrees in here." I told him. I don't want the poor boy to sweat to death. 

"Yeah, I'm sure." I handed him a hoodie the was a little small on me, so it shouldn't be big on him at all if he's at a healthy weight. Damn. Why did I want to help him so much? I guess I actually might have a crush on him.

I handed him the clothes and guided him to the restroom. I walked downstairs, seeing Calum and Michael watching television. Well, Calum watching television. Michael was almost asleep on the couch. Well, that wasn't going to last long. I walked over to him and sat on his stomach.

"Ugh. Lucas Hemmings. Off. Now." Michael groaned, obviously not pleased with my action. 

"I'll get off if you promise to stay awake." I told him.

"You'll get off if you don't wanna get your ass kicked." He threatened.

"Nuh-uh! I won't get my ass kicked because Calum will be on my side." I said, sticking my tongue out at him. Not that he could see, though, considering his eyes were closed. 

"Calum won't get involved because Calum doesn't give a shit." Calum pointed out.

"Fuck you, Calum. Do you want Mikey to fall asleep?" I asked him.

"Well, gets him off our backs." Calum joked, holding back a smile.

"Calum just got involved." Michael said, pushing me off him and walking towards Calum. He pushed Calum down on the couch so that he was laying on it and sat on him. I saw the opportunity and sat on Michael, so now I was on Michael, who was on Calum.

"Well, this is awkward." We heard a voice say behind us. The voice belonged to Ashton. Michael pushed me off of him, so I was now on the floor.

"That's what happens when you fuck with Michael Clifford." Michael said, collapsing back down on the couch. 

"Yeah, he hurts your booty." I laughed, standing up and playfully slapping Michael. Ashton laughed a little, and I finally looked at him. I frowned when I noticed that the hoodie was big on him. To top it off, he had to hold the skinny jeans up. 

"I have an idea." Calum stated out of nowhere. 

"Guys, Calum has an idea!" I yelled. Calum hates it when I do that. Wow, you should've seen that look I just got. 

"Well, as I was saying before Luke so rudely interrupted me, I have an idea. Us four should have a sleepover and you can get to know everyone better, Ash." Calum suggested.

"I guess. I'd have to ask my mum. I'm cool with it, though." Ashton said. Why was I overly happy that he said yes?

"Our parents probably guessed we'd have a sleepover, though, considering we do every Friday after practice." Michael pointed out. Well, it's true. It's our thing.

"I'll go call my mum." Ashton said, pulling out his phone and leaving the room.


Ashton's POV

I left the room to call my mum. The room I entered seemed to be the kitchen. I kept wondering why I said yes. I mean, I have to admit it sometime. I guess I have a crush on Luke? I don't know. I think I might. 

I dialed my mum's number and she picked up.

"Hello? Ashton? I got worried when you weren't home." She said when she answered.

"Oh, uh, sorry about that. I'm kinda at a friend's house. I was wondering if I could stay the night at their house?"

"Hmm. One, I thought you were sick. And two, do I know this friend?"

"I think I was just tired this morning. I didn't sleep too well. And it's Luke Hemmings."

"Oh. And Hemmings? I think I work with his mother. At the hospital?"

"Oh, um, I'll see." I put my hand over the phone and called out for Luke.

"Yeah?" He asked me.

"Does your mum work at the hospital?" I asked him. He nodded, and I gave him a thumbs up. He left after that so I could finish my call.

"That's a yes." I replied to my mum.

"Then yes, you can. Just don't get yourself killed." I laughed at her comment, since she says it every time I'm out of her sight.

"I won't. Bye, Mum. Love you!" 

"Love you, too, Ashton. Have fun." 

"I will." I hung up after that and walked back to the living room.

"Hello." Michael greeted me. He was up now and was setting up the Wii.

"Hi. My mum said that it's okay." I told them. They smiled at that, and tossed me the player four Wii remote. I caught it, which I was kind of thankful for. I think it'd be kind of embarrassing if I missed it.

"You like Mario Kart, Ash?" Luke asked me.

"Who doesn't?" I replied. We all sat down and started playing Mario Kart.

And for once, I didn't want to completely disappear.

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