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 She makes me feel like it's 11:11, closer to heaven tonight.

She said "Don't forget to breathe, I see you shaking when you're standing next to me"

I said "I'm breaking 'cause you're some kind of angel, I'll never be able to let go, let go let let let you go"

Unpredictable ~ The Icarus Account


 Luke's POV

We were currently in an intense battle of Mario Kart. Michael, being a bad-ass at video games, was in first. I was in seventh and Calum was in fifth. Poor little Ashton was in eleventh. He kept falling off the cliffs in Rainbow Road. Hmm. Seventh and eleventh. That rhymes. Coincidence? I think not.

Shit is about to go down. Calum has one of those flying blue turtle shells. And he just played it. We all laughed as Michael got frustrated from getting hit.

"Which one of you little twats did that?" Michael asked as Luigi passed his Bowser. We all looked at Princess Peach, Calum, to hint that it was him.

"I think it was Yoshi," Calum started, "my innocent little Princess Peach wouldn't do that." He finished.

"Hell no. It wasn't me." I said. 

"Well, I think the only innocent one in this is Toad." Michael said, gesturing towards Ashton.

"I'll have to go with Michael on this one." Ashton joked. Michael laughed and put his arm around Ashton. Ashton visibly tense, but soon relaxed. I smiled, seeing that he was getting more comfortable with us. I haven't gotten him to open up yet, though.

We decided that we played enough Mario Kart and put on a movie. We had two bowls of popcorn and I was hoping that Ashton would eat at least one piece. He hasn't so far, but we're only a little through the movie, which was terrifying. We just scrolled through Netflix and found this one. It's about some guy who has more than one souls in his body and switches throughout them. 

Michael was just staring at the screen, unfazed by its terrifying contents. Calum was a little on the edge. Ashton looked like he was about to breakdown. I was about the same as Calum. 

I heard a tiny scream come from Ashton as the guy switched souls. He jumped and hid his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him. Surprisingly, he didn't stop me. He just melted into my embrace. I just held him in my arms, him hiding his face at scary parts.

That's how we stayed the rest of the movie.


 "I'm bored." Michael announced.

"Well, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I think we should get to know each other better." Calum suggested.

"I'm in. That alright with you, Ash?" I asked Ashton. He nodded.

"Who goes first?" I asked.

"I will." Calum volunteered. We all just nodded and let Calum go first.

"Okay, well, my name is Calum Thomas Hood. My birthday is January twenty-fifth. My favourite food is pizza. I have one sister. I absolutely love football. My favourite colour is probably blue. And that's all I got." Calum said.

"Your turn, Michael." Calum said.

"Alright. Let's see, my name is Michael Gordon Clifford. My birthday is November twentieth. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I like to dye my hair a lot, but my natural colour is blonde. I'm done." Michael finished.

"You're up, Luke." Michael told me.

"So, my name is Luke Robert Hemmings. My birthday is July sixteenth. I have two brothers. I like the colour blue. I like penguins and, um, I'm bi." I admitted. I don't think Ashton would tell anyone. I could tell it kind of shocked Calum and Michael that I confessed it.

"I didn't think you'd be bi." Ashton said.

"I didn't think you'd tell Ashton." Michael said, confirming my thought of them being shocked.

"Yeah, uh, I am. And I did. And it's your turn, Ashton." I said, blushing. Was Ashton against it?

"Well, um, my name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin. My birthday is July seventh. I have a brother and a sister, but they live with my dad, so I rarely get to see them. My favourite colour is red. And, as you all probably know, I'm gay." Ashton said.

"Actually, we didn't know that." I confessed for all of us.

"That's a shock. No sarcasm. You guys must not have been updated for the past three years at school." Ashton told us.

"Wait, that's true? I thought it was just a rumour." Calum said.

"Well, I only moved here a year ago." Michael said.

"Oh. Well, I just told some of my friends and they outed me." Ashton said, obviously leaving a lot out. I can't exactly push him into telling me anything, though, that seems rather rude. How else am I going to get him to say anything, though?

"That sucks, mate. They against it?" Michael asked him. Ashton just nodded and pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Can we change the subject, please?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. What time is it?" Calum asked.

"Um, 12:40."  Michael answered.

"12:47." Ashton corrected.

"I was just rounding it." Michael said.

"Well, even then you were wrong. It'd be 12:50." I told him.

"Shut up. I don't need you two." Michael joked.

"You're just jealous because me and Ashton are geniuses." I joked.

"Yeah. And if you don't have us, who do you have?" Ashton asked him.

"Calum." Michael answered.

"You'll always have me, Mikey." Calum said, wrapping his arms around Michael. 

"Yes, I will, Cal. Let's be stupid while they be smart."

"Sounds great." Calum said. Me and Ashton were just watching, since it seemed these two were having a moment. What? It really does seem like it! Calum still has his arms around Michael. It's quite cute, actually.

"But can we be stupid in bed?" Michael asked.

"That sounds wrong." I said while laughing. Ashton was laughing, too, along with Calum.

"It means I wanna sleep, dumb-ass." Michael said.

"You mean smart-ass?" Ashton corrected.

Michael just sighed and mumbled, "Shut up."


We were on our third movie of the night right now. Michael and Calum had fallen asleep on each other. Calum had his head on Michael's chest and Michael had his arm around him. Now it was only me and Ashton awake. I was going to go asleep a while ago, but we started watching a scary movie. Now I was too scared to fall asleep.

"Don't open the fucking door, you stupid fucker." Ashton mumbled at the movie. I let out a quiet laugh, which caused Ashton to jump a little.

"I thought you passed out a while ago." Ashton told me.

"I was going to until this scary movie came on." I said. Ashton was about to say something, but was interrupted as a scream came from the movie, followed by a girl's death. 

"Told you so." Ashton said. We both laughed.

"Hey, uh, Ash?" 

"Yeah?" He asked, facing me. The movie was reflecting in his eyes, making them glow a little. His mouth was slightly open, but his teeth were together. His curls were hung slightly over his eyes and he had a blanket pulled up to his chest. He looked pretty damn cute.

I don't really know what came over me, but I leaned in.

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