fall for you.

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But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you

Over again

Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

It's impossible

Fall For You ~ Secondhand Serenade


Luke's POV

I got to stay in Ashton's room all night and no one made me leave. It was amazing. I know he's not awake, but just being near him can somewhat raise my low mood. He has the same effect on me asleep as he does awake. Though I really wish he would wake up.

I keep thinking I'd look over at him and see his eyes. I love his eyes. They're so perfect. One look into those eyes was all it took to fall in love.

I miss those eyes.

I've been scrolling endlessly through Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, just anything that'll keep my mind of Ashton. Which was kind of hard. One: He's right next to me. Two: He's beautiful.

"Ash, come look at this post." I said, laughing. There was this funny ass post on Tumblr. I had to show Ashton this.

"Oh, wait." I said remembering I couldn't show Ashton. He's not awake yet. I know he'll wake up. Eventually.

"Okay." I whispered. I grabbed an oreo out of the package next to me, splitting it in half to get to the cream.

"Mr. Hemmings? Visiting hours are over for today." A nurse said. Dammit.

"Okay." I said. I grabbed my oreo cookies and took one out of the package. I did something before I left. No one has to know.

No one has to know I put an oreo in Ashton's hand.


Michael's POV

I told Luke that he was coming to my house today. I didn't give him a say in it. I just forced him. We had a ton to talk about.

I heard him knock on the door. I went over and answered it, literally pulling him inside my house.

"We have some things we need to talk about, Hemmings. You have no say in rather you answer them or not. Got it?" I said. I had a little something in mind in case he tried to lie. He just nodded in response.

"Alright. Where did you go after you left last night?" I asked him.

"Home." He obviously lied. Here comes my little something. I pulled a water gun out from behind my back. I pulled the trigger and sprayed him, causing him to throw his hands up defensively.

"Where did you go after you left last night? And don't even think about lying again. I won't hesitate, Luke." I said.

"Back to Ashton." He answered, dropping his arms back to his side. That's what I thought.

"Why?' I asked. He wasn't supposed to be able to see Ashton until today, so why did he go back yesterday?

"Because what if he woke up, Michael? No one would be there for him. I had to be there for him. It's like I'm falling for him all over again, and he doesn't even know it! He doesn't know that we're both falling!" He yelled. He wasn't even finished yet.

"And do you know why he doesn't know, Michael? Do you fucking know why?" He asked me, his hands turning into fists at his side. He was too weak to fight me, that's for sure. He was barely strong enough to keep himself standing.

"No." I answered. Oh, god. He's going to yell at me again.

"Because he's basically lifeless! He can't hear me when I talk to him! He couldn't even hear me when I was singing to him! I thought it would help him wake up. Like in the movies, but-he just-he's still gone." Luke said, only this time he wasn't yelling.

He was crying.

"Luke, it'll be okay." I comforted. I doubt it worked.

"You don't fucking know that, Michael! He could be dead and all you guys would tell me is that it'll be okay! I will not be okay with out him, Mikey! I could've saved him, but I fucking failed! I fucking failed, Michael, so will not be o-fucking-kay." Luke yelled at me. He really needs Ashton, huh?

"Luke, calm down."

"I cannot be calm! I just can't! I just need him to wake up. I just need him to be okay, me to be okay, our relationship to be okay..." Luke said, getting lost in his own thoughts. Wait a minute...

"You love him, don't you?" I asked. I wasn't teasing him. I wasn't going to make fun of him. I was serious. I know what it's like to be in love with someone, and this is about it.

"Kinda? No, wait. Yes. So much. More than anything."

"I could tell. Why did you guys break up then?" I asked. We never really got a reason for that.

"I don't really know. His insecurities got the best of him is what I think. Do you think we fought?" He asked. He looked extremely vulnerable and I just wanted to hug him and comfort him, but we were talking. We were talking about things I need to know.

"I don't think so. Do you think you guys did?" I asked him back.

"I don't know." He said, sighing.

"We don't really know anything right now, Luke." I said, offering him a small smile.

"I guess that's true. I just really really really wish we did." He said. He's really hung up over Ashton. More than I am with Calum. Oh, yeah. I was supposed to tell Luke that.

"Hey, Luke? I have to tell you something." I said. This is it. Calum and I both wanted to tell him.


"I have a boyfriend." I said. He's going to know who it is. I guarantee it.

"Do I know him?" He asked. Duh, he's one of your best friends.

"Yeah. Pretty well, actually."

"Calum?" He asked. Damn. First try.

"Calum." I confirmed.

"I swear I'm only friends with gay people. No lie." Luke said. True that.

"Yeah. Same." I said. Luke let out an exhausted laugh. I smiled, raising my water gun and shooting him.

"Go to my bed and sleep. I'll take the couch." I said. He smiled in response, making his way to my room. Good. He needs to sleep.

I laid down on the couch, closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to take me.


Luke's POV

I'm really falling for him, aren't I?


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