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 I fell in love today,

There aren't any words that you can say

That could ever get my mind to change

She's enough for me, she's in love with me

You're a doll, you are flawless

But I just can't wait for love to destroy us

I just can't wait for love

The only flaw – you are flawless

But I just can't wait for love to destroy us

I just can't wait for love

Flawless ~ The Neighbourhood


Ashton's POV

I woke up wrapped in a pair of arms and smiled, remembering what had happened the night before. I checked the clock on the nightstand to see that it was only 3:18. I nuzzled my head into the crook of my mum's neck since I still had around 3 hours of sleep left. She leaned down and kissed the top of my head. It made me smile, even if she was just in a sleepy-state. It meant a lot either way.

I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep.


Luke's POV

I stared mindlessly at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. Michael and Calum decided to sleep over after I cried. They were sleeping so easily. Those bastards. The one time they go to bed at a normal time is when I feel like I might need them the most. Of fucking course.

I didn't quite know what was keeping me up, though. It could be Michael's snoring. It could just be that I'm not tired. It could be anything. I'm not very sure.

But I'm kind of sure that it's Ashton.


Ashton's POV

"Ashton, time to get up." My mum yelled from downstairs. Hmm. When did she wake up and leave me? Eh, who cares. That probably means I was hardcore asleep. You know, if there's anything hardcore about sleeping...

"I'm up." I shouted back, reluctantly getting up. I walked to my room to get ready. I thought about possibly looking nice, but then I thought about it again and realized that would take effort that I don't have. Plus, I don't think it's possible for me to look nice, no matter how hard I try. Oh, well.

I put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a dark red sweater. After tying my black converse and putting on my glasses, I walked downstairs to say goodbye to my mum. 

"Hey, I'm leaving." I said as I approached the door. 

"Alright. Here, I didn't have time to make breakfast." My mum said, tossing an apple to me.

"Eh, no thanks. I'll get something at school." I lied.

"Just eat an apple. It's free." She demanded. 

"Fine." I said, forcing a smile to let her know I was okay. Even if I'm not okay, I want my mum to think I am. I would hate to just drop all this onto her and stress her out. As long as she doesn't know, it's all good. 

I walked to school with my head down. I threw away the apple at a trash can outside the school. I was about to step inside the school when I felt someone push me up against the wall. I immediately knew who it was.

"Hello, faggot." Zayn greeted. One hell of a greeting, huh?

"Very original." I mumbled, but regretted saying it as soon as it left my mouth. He heard me. Shit.

"Is someone being a smart-ass?" He asked in a very cocky voice. If only I was strong so I could wipe that damn smirk off his fucking face!

"Uh, is someone being a dumb-ass?" I asked, mimicking his tone. Yeah, Ashton! You're going to get your ass kicked! Great. Notice the sarcasm, eh?

"Still your old sassy self, aren't you, Irwin? I always told you that attitude would get you punched one day. Looks like I wasn't lying." He threatened. Before I had a chance to respond, his threat came true.

He punched me in the face. It hurt my nose pretty bad. I put my hand up to my nose and pulled it back, noticing the red liquid on my fingers. He started kicking me in the stomach, yelling insults at me.



"Piece of shit."

I noticed their was more than one voice. Josh was here, too. Of fucking course there had to be two people beating me up and yelling insults at me. Just my luck.

This went on for a while. I didn't bother to count. I just dealt with it. It's just a shame that I took everything they said to the heart. I am all those things. Worthless. Fag. Piece of shit. Waste of space. All of it.

After they finished, I just stayed there curled up in a ball. I had absolutely no motivation to get up and no reason to. Maybe I'll die right here. That'd be best for everyone.



Harry's POV

I was in the auditorium hanging out with Niall, Louis, and Liam when Zayn walked in. He looked frustrated. We all sunk back in our seats so that he wouldn't see us. We watched as he approached the piano and started playing a song. He sung along and damn.

He was pretty fucking good.

From all the years I've known him, I never knew he was a good singer. I knew the rest of them were, just not him. Does he have stage fright, too?

He finished and I stood up from my seat and clapped, soon being joined by the others. He looked up and a look of anger filled his eyes.

"Chill out, dude. You're pretty fucking good. Everyone else in this room sings, too." Niall said, attempting to calm Zayn down.

"Not everyone." Zayn said, looking at me.

"Yes, everyone. I just don't sing for people." I said. Everyone looked at me weirdly, but I kept my focus on Zayn, who was staring at me.

"I don't, either. You guys weren't supposed to hear that." He said. 

"Why not? That was amazing." I complimented.

"What about you? You don't sing for people and if you're really good then you can't exactly say anything, can you?" He asked me. He has a point there. 

"I'm too scared. I tried to sing for someone before and I threw up. There's my reason, now what's yours?" I asked him.

"Why do you care?" He asked me.

"Why won't you tell me?" I asked him, completely ignoring my question. He sighed.

"I don't sing for people because singing is what I love to do." He said, obviously telling the truth.

"What?" Niall, Louis, and Liam asked at the same time.

Niall, Louis, and Liam looked confused. They don't get it, but I do. Zayn wants to be a singer, but he isn't going to be a singer.

Zayn doesn't sing for people because he feels bad. He doesn't think he deserves his dream.

Zayn doesn't sing because he feels bad about bullying Ashton.


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