a decade under the influence.

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To hell with you and all your friends 
To hell with you and all your friends, it's on 

Sad, small, sure in porcelain 
You're skin and bones, I'm a nervous wreck 
I got a bad feeling about this (when it comes to this) 
I got a bad feeling about this

A Decade Under The Influence ~ Taking Back Sunday


Ashton's POV


I was really considering this whole "joining the band" thing. I feel as good around them as I do with Harry. I even ate the small cookie that Luke offered me. 

That's something I don't do with Harry.

Speaking of Harry, he's on his way. I'm still thinking of an excuse for why I'm not going to eat anything. I'm pretty sure I'm going with "Shit, I forgot. I already ate something." Not a complete lie, right? I ate an oreo. I've kept it down. So far.

I hear a knock on the door and get up to answer it. I opened it to reveal a smiling Harry and Anne, his mum. I put on my best fake smile.

"Hey, Ash." Harry greeted.

"Hi. I forgot you guys were coming over." I lied, hoping to make my plan more convincing.

"It's alright, dear. Harry did, too. He came home and just fell asleep!" Anne told me. I tried to hold back a laugh but failed miserably. Harry playfully hit my arm and whined out an, "Ashtonnnnnnnnnnnnn."

Me and Harry left Anne to watch tv and went to my room. We still had around 20 minutes until my mum got home.

"So, heard you had some guys sit by you at lunch?" Harry asked me.

"Uh, yeah. Calum, Michael, and Luke." I replied.

"Were they mean?" Awe, my little over-protective Haz.

"Calm down, they weren't mean. They, uh, actually offered me to join their band."

"Really? You can sing? And you haven't told me?"

"I don't like my voice, but I can. They offered me to be their drummer."

"Ohhh, makes more sense. You're good at the drums. Did you accept?"

"I just told them I think about it."

"Oh, okay."

"Well, what about you, Haz?"

"What about me?"

"You got any musical talents?"

"Hmm. Well, I sing a little bit."

"Awe, sing for me."

"Hell no."

"Hell yes."

"I said hell no, bitch." Fuck no!

"Ohh, I know you didn't just say what I think you did, Harold."

"I said it, bitch."

"Seriously? You wanna fight, Styles?"

"Bring it."

It's fucking on.

I threw a pillow at his face and pushed him on the bed. I started tickling him for about five minutes. He kept screaming things like "I'm gonna piss myself," and "You're so dead, Irwin." 

He finally had the idea to try to push me off him, which was easy for him because of my lightness. He stood up and tried to catch his breath. 

"Okay, let me catch my breath and then I'll destroy you." He said.

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