Mars day 18: Bring in the Clowns

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Ablo, now that we have troops on the ground in Afar, how is our search for the WMC’s coming along?

“No luck so far sir.”

Have they tried the obvious places?  Have they looked in the drugstores?  Have the checked in nightstand drawers?  Inside of men’s wallets?

“Yes sir.”

How about the free-health clinics?  How about on the beaches?  People like to do it on beaches.

“Yes sir, we’ve checked everywhere we can think of, but all our intelligence operatives have found so far is these little rubber balloons.”

I saw the samples that you left on my desk.  They come in all different colors…in packages of one-hundred.  They could be prophylactics…if we wanted them to be.  Ablo, try one on for size…just to see if they’ll fit.

“Looks a bit painful sir.  Besides, if we went after balloons sir, we’d have to arrest every clown in our own country…present company excluded of course sir.”

That’s not a bad idea Ablo, what kind of dirt can we dig up on these clowns.

“Well sir, most of them are former politicians, if that helps.”

That won’t do, Ablo, it would shed a bad light on all politicians.  People would start to consider us lower than pimps.  No one would trust a word we said.  They’d stop believing our campaign promises.  They’d wonder how we got rich while in office despite our relatively small salaries.  They would consider us hypocrites.  Then where would we be?  You are wise beyond your years Ablo.

“I do have some good news sir.  We have a new deck of playing cards with all of the Afarian leaders faces on them.  Would you like to play some Gin Rummy?”

That’s wonderful news Ablo.

“You mean because we can use these cards to track down the enemy’s leaders and persecute and prosecute them?”

No, Ablo, that’s just silly.  We already have photographs of them.  We don’t need playing cards to identify them.  That would just look like transparent propaganda for the war.

“Then what did you mean by ‘That’s wonderful news Ablo?’”

I meant that I didn’t know that you played Gin Rummy.  Let’s have ourselves a game.

“What about the WMC’s?”                                   

You know Ablo, I’m starting to wonder if the enemy ever had WMC’s.  We may have started this damn war on false pretense.  This could take a bit of covering up.  Maybe a little propaganda wouldn’t hurt.   

Now deal those cards. 

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