Mars Day 16: Mission accomplished!

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This is my first time being on a helicopter Ablo, how about you?

“Me too sir.”

It’s good P.R. to check on the troops.  Do a little fly-over.  Let them know that you feel their pain…and all that.  And speaking of pain, how did you get those sores all over your mouth?  Looks like you kissed a hooker on the mouth.

“I don’t know sir, but I wish I had an asprin.”

Look, down their…I see them Ablo, our loyal troops on the deck of that ship.  Let’s fly over and give them a wave.

“Yes sir.”

What are those little white things scattered in the water around the boat?

“Those look like the aspirin from the prophylactic factory we destroyed sir.”

Problem solved Ablo.  Let’s set this baby down.

On the deck of the ship

I want to thank all of you for a job well done.  What I mean to say is…Mission Accomplished!

Cheers and clapping; Whistles!

“So you’re telling us we can all go home to our families then?!”

Cheers and Applause!

No soldier…not exactly.

“So then by ‘Mission accomplished’ you meant that the fighting is over, and we are out of harm’s way?!”


Well, no, you both have it wrong, I can’t really say that either…although that could be the case.

“Well then, you meant that we’ve sufficiently damaged the enemy so as to weaken them and rendered them incapable of retaliation?!”

A few soft claps.

No, I meant that you successfully destroyed an aspirin factory and killed a few hundred Afarian civilians.

“You came down here to tell us that?”

No, I came down here because Ablo here needed an aspirin.  Ablo did you get your aspirin?

“Yes sir.”

Time to go.  Keep up the good work men. 

Up in the air again.

Ablo, looks like we left the ship just in time.

“Oh my Gork!  They got hit by a torpedo.  The ship is sinking!”

But look Ablo, even as they’re sinking, their showing their resolve; their solidarity; their support for me…their commander in chief.

“Why do you say that sir?”

Those who aren’t busy bailing water are holding a single finger up to us in a sort of salute.  It’s as if their saying “We’re number one!

“Yes sir, that must be what their saying.”

Let’s take this ship home Ablo.  When you get back we’ll pour ourselves some brandy and if you like Ablo, you can have another one of those cigars.

“If it’s alright with you sir, I’ll settle for a shot of penicillin.”

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